
It’s the drive to get better and conquer the game. To actually feel your skills improve and to look back at the time when you started to when you can finally 1cc a game. I still remember playing weeks and weeks of Touhou 6 and being so happy when I finally beat it without using a continue.

It’s like... and I hate to

If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel

I’m amazed at how many 80s and 90s kids have just now discovered that the stuff they watched religiously as kids was, for the most part, absolute and total garbage.

I hope they let him race at the Tokyo Olympics and continue talking shit to people who can’t beat him.”

Update so far: “we’re trying to find the culprit, in our Facebook group. No results yet.”

Report back here please. 

You know, I know some people on the team that made the game. I’ll ask if they remember!

Now playing

Shut the fuck up. People like you are the reason no one likes us. Wanting it more (™) means shit. The officiating was bad from the first whistle at the start of the playoffs for every team. Don’t start with this “boo hoo the refs lost it for us, they are against us”. Maybe look at our team first. Did you miss things

A bit of both. But just as a high-sticking call can result from a completely accidental situation because the player is responsible for his stick, making the initial contact with another player’s head is often treated the same way.

Honestly, aside from Sonic’s design, which is kind of baffling, I think it looks like it could be pretty fun.

Casinos are filled with people that don’t understand that, in the long run, they will lose money no matter how well they understand the odds.

It kind of makes sense, actually. If you remake a good game, you’re going to be compared to that good game, and probably come up short - and you don’t have many obvious places for improvement. Remake a bad game, though, and you have a huge list of obvious fixes to make, and can easily surpass the original even though

Yeah, but acting is a lot harder, you know?

That exactly. I’m on the fence, almost decided to buy it impulsively (though I’m not even sure they ship outside japan?) but I know I should keep my money for boring stuff.

I mean is it really our job to be outraged for the citizens of Japan when they seem to feel no outrage at this situation?

Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.

Nope. No reason to own this movie. See it once. Cry for a week and be done.

Nope. No reason to own this movie. See it once. Cry for a week and be done.

Konami has stated that they make higher level charts with the intention of using the bar in mind. This used to be a debate in the community like 10 years ago, but it’s very well-accepted nowadays and you’d be hard-pressed to find many competitive players who don’t use it. It’s an intended part of the game’s design.

As someone who plays DDR at a decent level, I can say the enjoyment I get in harder songs usually comes from going along with interesting step patterns and rhythms. Long strings of stepping as fast as possible can be a nice challenge, but songs are also always more fun when the steps match the song in interesting

This is the fundamental problem with a list like this.