
Agreed. I really wish I would have gone into business and put myself in a position to either make better decisions for companies like this or at least try to get that view to them.

Totally agree.

There are few exceptions and that is one of them, Final Fantasy Rebirth or 16 would be others. For example though Spiderman 2 cost over 315 Million to make and needed to sell over 8 million to make a profit according to them. That’s a lot and worked out in their case but that’s just the exceptions.

Unfortunately AAA games cost tons to make, more than it ever has, and if you can only get price of the game, and that price is 50, 60, or maybe 70 bucks then it’s not going to recoup it’s cost for almost any game. Having live service games means it can keep making money even if fewer players play it. It’s the buisness

At the time, BioWare’s pedigree as one of the best RPG crafters in the business—thanks to masterpieces like the Mass Effect trilogy, Knights of the Old Republic, and Dragon Age Origins—probably swayed my opinions a bit.”

Honestly that’s good analysis. Also thinking further about it myself game devs, especially japanese ones, usually don’t want people min/maxing at all anyways, either by legit or dubious means.

This argument of skipping the grinding isn’t cheating because the real competition is the battling of pokemon, and I can see the literal argument of anything against the rules is cheating. It may not seem like it but it’s a very in depth discussion of what is in the spirit of the game. Honestly I think that everyone

As has been pointed out “Director’s cut” in video games doesn’t make a ton of sense because the “cutting” being mentioned is basically editing. In movies a directors cut may have all the same footage as the original plus more footage but my thought always was this: The original film was cut by the editor and whoever

I see a lot of talk like this about the concern that random Americans will contract and spread Covid, but at the same time it’s by far anti-vaxers that are at risk and I also see many wishing death to anti-vaxers. So to me it ends up looking like just shaming for the sake of making people you don’t like feel bad

Windows 10 and yeah it runs fine. I don’t play the most cutting edge games at highest settings but for anything else it’s fine.

that’s fair. I don’t play modern-ish games on it and I probably couldn’t

“Works on crappy PCs” “As low as 8 GB of RAM”
my PC I’m using right now doesn’t have 8 GB of ram.... it’s below crappy?

I found Bombcast about 4 months ago when randomly trying to find gaming podcasts outside of IGN. It clicked with me pretty fast as they were randomly talking about weird adventures they’ve had in Japan. They seem very weeb without being cringy, and then I got to hear them talk about games too which was also

MrL314 sounds like he might be from my area code.

I can and have made arguments for what anime is supposed to mean to Americans and I’ve also argued with my own points to show their flaws. In the end basically anything can be anime, big eyes or small eyes, made in japan or not made in japan, animated or completely not animated. There are literal and logical reasons

any chance the new mass effect comes to gamepass? the old ones are on there

It sounds like your position is you don’t care if it’s disadvantageous to the software creators, just that you benefit in the end. Except you aren’t benefiting in the end either, you are paying more for a limited library of applications. You sound like an apple pr person, or an apple fanboy.

Yeah the social sim is really pretty basic tbh. I don’t even mind the gameplay being a grind. I don’t mind grinding levels in a dungeon, I just don’t think there was much of a payoff story wise i guess.

I have played all of 3 and about half of 4 and did not enjoy them too much. I’m not here to crap on everyone else’s fun because if you love the games then good for you. I am a weeb and JRPG fanatic and wish I liked these games. While thinking about what I’m not enjoying I think the need to wait so much between being

It’s almost like (along with having people not be full blatant scammers) we should be careful about believing everything we want to read on the internet.