
If we get more of a focus on great single player adventures for this failure then I’m all for it. There is a place for online multiplayer games, and GaaS games, but I have room for maybe one of those in my life any given year. I don’t want to play the same game for the rest of my life because they add new content to

I have save files on ps2 and ps4 that I dumped a ton of time into, I can’t play this again from scratch.

I’m glad you wrote this because I have been recently fighting the fight against “open world games” And it’s mostly video game media that are championing it. Just saying that a game is open world and these people can’t wait to play it, and if it’s not then they wonder why the developers would make such a mistake. You

The idea I have of how my parents treated video games with me (I was born in 1985, I think I had an NES around 1989ish?) was it was a toy, and a toy I really liked and could entertain me for a long time. Like many toys if I was bad I was grounded from it. My parents didn’t really play video games at all (My mom used

There are a lot of good takes and a lot of them have already been made but I want to say: Remember when we get what we want not to shit on them anyways. They reversed their decision and made it better, be happy and thank them. Or don’t thank them but at least don’t keep shitting on them. If we aren’t going to be happy

My concern is more that Open World games has become the hot fad, and for people that love them that’s good, but for those of us that don’t it’s not as good. Not that there is no other games out there but the big studios are devoting their big budgets on these types of games. I feel like they did the same thing with

Yeah I don’t mean to say all open world games suck. It’s just become a knee-jerk reaction from me from playing many that I don’t like. Having an open world game doesn’t mean that the story needs to be unfocused, but I do think the genre lends itself like that. For example one of the huge talking points of Cyberpunk

Whenever I hear “open world game” I immediately feel like I don’t want to play it. I love star wars and “open world game” makes me not care about this game already. It’s become such a buzz world and buzz genre. I’ve never enjoyed open world games anyways, I just play them linearly when I do play them. I prefer a well

Ditto for me. If the game was made to be to griding then it’s not a fun game so I don’t buy it. If someone else is buying xp why do I care?

I have an anecdote and thought:

I haven’t played enough games to pick a game of the year but chances are the game you pick shouldn’t be either. Like I said I need to play more games but FF7R was the best game of the year for me. And this is coming from someone who hated the original ff7.

I might give it a try then. Final Fantasy had a game that was fun to play and had an intriguing story to it for mobile too.

What keeps me from playing games like these is a lack of story and having no ending. Is this true with this game or is there actually a progressing story and a way to beat the game?

There are CDI emulators but if you’ve tried to emulate these games you know they don’t work well. This is making the games playable for people who are curious and don’t want to try to buy the game and player.

Want to say thank you for this article as many others have. Xenogears is still my favorite game and was so good that I give all of their games a play and pass. Xenogears 2 wasn’t that horrible to me, I enjoyed it just fine. It might be because as I said my bias of loving their games.

I found Vader Immortal to be fun overall (not just the dojo) but what impressed me most was the immersion. Feeling like I was there and Vader was looking at me, and looking at the huge landscape as I was on a floating platform.

You hate Republican’s. Congrats. We don’t need to know any more. Or maybe you hate all politicians. Any president you can dig up a ton of stuff you can feel like blaming on them and how you see it having ruined the country. Or really any politician at a smaller scale. Or really almost any person on a smaller scale.

About 5 years back when I played the original I had several people telling me that AC2 was their favorite. I have plenty of games on my backlog but I might either delve into AC2 or one of the newer ones if I get curious enough. Thanks for the explanation.

I’ve always been an Assassin’s Creed skeptic. Eventually I played the first game and if I remember correctly I enjoyed it enough but the repetitive nature of running back and forth, and that taking up most of the play time, made me quit. The game wasn’t compelling enough otherwise to keep me playing. Now like you said

I don’t think hype is the problem. The problem is when fans make their own over expectations that aren’t met when the game comes out. That may or may not be SE fault by taking 5 years to release a game after announcing it but I think that’s what they are going for.