Now imma throw my gyroball

The real comparison would be Carter’s salary 25 years ago inflation-adjusted. Same job, same magazine, same company with similar work experience at the job. Comparing her salary to Carter’s salary in 2017 is like comparing a rookie coach salary to that of an experienced multiple championship winning veteran coach in

Or perhaps how her salary compares with what Graydon’s was when he started his tenure, adjust for inflation?

I think comparing her salary to Graydon’s is a little absurd for the reasons you list in your last graph, and more. I think the better comparison is: How does her salary compare to other EICs at major mags with a similar amount of experience? Say, Michelle Lee at Allure? Or a comparable guy in that position (sorry, I

Do Kluwe and The Progressive Liberal count as celebrities?

Group text:

That’s so cute. Now they both have more rings than the Dodgers.

The first Saturday in May.

Mint juleps can’t be beat in the rite environment

I care deeply about whoever the fuck has laid down whatever the fuck opinion this is on candy. Super care.

When you are mormon, your expertise on vices is pretty much limited to candy.

Incorrect, Emma. Mint juleps at least have booze in them.

mint juleps at least have liquor in them. same with real fruitcake.

They only serve Peeps once a year and Peeps are fantastic.

Great, now I have to like Mike Leach a little bit.