The similarities between JoePa and Farrah Fawcett are starting to become more apparent after both died as a result of a little asshole.
The similarities between JoePa and Farrah Fawcett are starting to become more apparent after both died as a result of a little asshole.
"Yu Tallica: The Worst Signing of the Year"
Popular during football matches in Third World countries, the White Stripes' "Girl, You Have No Faith in Medicine" chant actually originated in Paul Shirley's basement.
If their offspring has any desire to go to law school, it will use its personal spiritual guide to score a 144 on the LSAT.
How was he ejected? I'm too busy watching Ohio State play like a high school team.
This has probably been discussed on this site, but that Nelly song they are playing for bowl games should get nominated for worst song of all time. Right up there with anything by Neon Trees and Young, the Giant.
"/sits in car, hose running from tailpipe into window "
That's awesome. Old dogs are a lot of work but are also a lot of fun. The inevitable will happen (as with my old dog, Belle) so just have fun with her while you can.
Just bought the 'Midnight in Paris' soundtrack. This is the first song and it's what's the word...what's the word...juicy.
Oh, big words and sarcasm! And use of a thesaurus! Caimbridge, here you come!
Which TVoTR are you listening to? I really liked 'Dear Science' because it's their most accessible, but their first two are excellent in their own right, although they are a bit different (but their lyrics are amazing).
Add some marijuana and everything would be perfect.
The +1 was intended for a commenter who regularly comments on Deadspin. The +1 signifies a good comment.
Thread of the year (between IronMikeGallego and Gamboa Constrictor)? Thread of the year (between IronMikeGallego and Gamboa Constrictor).
If that comment was easily comprehensible, you must consider the prose of "A Tale of Two Cities" to be on par with "Everybody Poops"
There is no way that is real. Irregardless, David Bowie rules. I'm about to go play some ping song while listening to 'Low' on vinyl.