
 surviving mars is doing just that to me this week....

Yes it has cost me a large chunk of sleep.

Nothing kills a passion project like Kotaku koverage. Sometimes I wonder if editorial ever thinks to kill a story on a REALLY good fan remake. But then this would seem to be that, wouldn’t it?

I will take any ray of hope that we’ll be seeing my boy Kyle again.

incoming C&D from Disney in 3.... 2 .... 


Guys, Tom Happ is a super nice guy. I’ve met him a couple times at conventions, I’ve seen the documentary (very good btw) about Axiom Verge, and I’ve purchased the game six times now for various systems and as gifts because I love everything about it.

This dude has been fucked over, and fucked over, and fucked

I have no desire to play DF, I just don’t have the time and energy to get to the point of enjoying story generators, but I’ll definitely buy it because these guys deserve it. So much respect for what they have created even though it’s not for me.

I’d love it if they added a VR mode. After playing Rec Room so much, being social online in a game outside of VR seems extremely limited. Being in those environments in VR would be cool AF too.

The really sad thing is that Sony was the biggest factor in it’s death. It’s almost like there was no desire at all by the company to release a follow up to the PSP, even though it was the first platform to honestly give Nintendo a halfway decent fight, even though the DS whipped it’s ass in the end, it still sold 70

So uh nobody’s gonna mention Tearaway? Because this looks just like Tearaway.

I dont understand why people call this game perfect. It has almost no real Zelda dungeons. And i dont mean those little trial things. I mean a legit Zelda dungeon

Google has surpassed Amazon in the AI and smart home features.  You can ship on Amazon though.

I find “OK google” a little weird as well... I found “Hey Google” is smoother and more natural feeling, and saves a syllable too :)

We dove head first into the Google pool because we were early adopters of Fi and loved that in all respects - cost, service, phones, regular overseas travel etc. At first things were a bit tedious on the home side of the coin and actually to some degree, still are but I see the changes/growth for the better. Google

I used to know a guy who took very significant pains to play everything on the highest available difficulty in the most visible and public way possible. Huge braggart over the dumbest, most inane shit. For instance, when I introduced him to Last of Us on my PS4, he spent a good three or so hours trying to figure out

You should work for EA because I’ve never wanted to play the Sims till today. Brava! 

Yes, we’re all terminal at birth.

Saying you are doing an f2p game with loot boxes after being bought by EA is like gamer hate bingo.

Titanfall 2 had the best single-player campaign of any shooter in the last ten years, hands down.

It’s disappointing that they’ve decided to go the F2P Battle Royale shooter route for the latest iteration of Titanfall, but the market doesn’t really lie—people seem to love games of that type. I’m not one of those

Stopping and fine-combing the level is NOT the best way to find all the bots though.