
Part of it is that they’re just foreign words, so even though they’re “rude”, they don’t really have an impact within the context of Japanese - yes, many Japanese people may recognize the word and vaguely understand the meaning, but ultimately it’s just another English word, and English words sound “cool” to Japanese

Yeah, I think because I didn’t upgrade every console generation, to me it feels like it’s only two generations back:

Six years after Diablo III’s initial PC and macOS release, the sinister dungeon-crawler will land on one of the best consoles for multiplayer ever designed.”

Its really amazing how cheap beach front property is when theres a quintillion beaches out there.

I first got it with Next and I’m hard pressed to imagine how there could be less to do. There are a ton of planets to explore but not a whole lot to find on them. Once that dawned on me my enthusiasm really flagged. This update sounds like it could be cool, but I’m not really excited about more procedurally-generated

Kirk, this is easily the best game review I’ve ever read, but also the best writing of any kind that I’ve read on this website. I enjoyed your creative narrative prose over the the technical trappings of FPS and otherdata.”

Yeah yeah, the INB4 post except you couldn’t even manage INB4.

I don’t think you have been around very long if you think Kotaku comments usually side with corporations. If any thing they usually rally against them when they are in the wrong.

That kind of attitude is how we’ve ended up with Nazi’s coming back into power. People with stupid, obtuse, and bad-faith opinions should absolutely be silenced and laughed into oblivion.

With that in mind they have every right to be annoyed.

this is why you dont buy day 1 folks! stop being idiots and think with your brains! wait for reviews, wait for sales, just WAIT! reviews are NOT for critiquing a company deciding to put it on sale, they are for helping others in determining if its a good game or not. but why do i even bother, right? im only speaking

This is dumb. If you decided the game was worth $60 when you purchased it, then that’s what it was worth when you purchased it. End of story.

Add the Resonance of Fate rerelease that came out yesterday that is just asking for trouble.

I don’t know how anyone can complain about a drought ever again. I try to catch at least a few hours of gaming every night and more on weekends, and I could probably name 40 games that I’d really like to play, and that’s not counting games I’d like to take another run through.  I don’t even play any of the ‘games as

+1 Eastworld

The Stanley Parable was one of those games that I loved when it came out, then later loved showing it to my sister. It’s a great game to share with someone, much like Portal 2. 

You’ve never translated jack shit, have you?

This sounds reasonable at first glance, but the reality is the opposite. Translation, even between languages with a lot in common, isn’t as straightforward as say, math. Even in a text of a couple dozen lines, two different translators will put out noticeably different work. It’s statistically impossible that there

I’ll also add that there are a tremendous amount of phrases we use that simply can’t be translated literally. We use so many idioms that would sound awful or be complete gibberish in another language. The translator often has to find a comparable phrase that maintains the original intent which is even harder if it was

Oh God do those little girls in pagents creep me out. I guess it’s the parents that are the real creeps, but man there ought to be a law.