
Granting PS Plus a price victory when you near constantly run ads (on THIS SITE) on how to obtain spectacular deals for Game Pass is so confusing, I can only describe it as a trap to make the article more popular by making it controversial. I’m also confused by the victory awarded to PS Plus in games “Playstation has

Yeah, not only are the games old, but most people can get the few they want very cheap and skip the subscription. The value of Game Pass is being able to play games that are still $60+ retail. Not to mention multiplayer games while people are actively playing them. As long as Sony isn’t willing to use this as a

The last thing I want to do is watch these videos. Please use articles. :(

Good to know. I know it’s biased, but I don’t really trust Nintendo not to take a step backwards even as they go forward.

240p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 4k, and 8k.

It is because the console generation is ending and Microsoft is not in pole position for the next one. As such it is doing all it can to position the brand Xbox for 2021 and beyond. The way to do that is position Xbox as a go to value brand, using its ace in the hole Game Pass. Which coupled with an Xbox One’s cheap

It puts the joy-con in the ring or else it gets the hose again.

In my experience, you pick up the writing as a component of learning. It’s much easier to associate the characters with their respective phonics. Not to mention knowing how similar-looking characters are written makes distinguishing them in reading much easier.

Funny, I have a fairly hard rule in life, “never trust anyone who doesn’t love dogs.”

If dog kisses are what kill me, then I win.

Avoiding dog licks falls on the far side of the “extends my life vs enriches my life,” boundry. Health risks aside, they aren’t worth giving up. 

My horror stories with this issue mostly have to do with dogged Nintendo apologists.

I really don’t.

I really don’t.

If your pee constantly looks like that, please call a doctor.

I’d consider that banana-dessert yellow.

This happened to every early form of new art media.

And they didn’t called it “The Switcher 3"?

Way to miss an opportunity, there.

I’m at the point now where when I hear about another George RR Martin project, I keep wanting to tell those people to return him to his desk so he can write books.

There was no release date attached to the trailer.

I’m kinda surprised the studio would let them do that.