
Give it time. :)

Believe me. You will one day.

You talk about hate, but what about indifference?

BD was probably the nicest surprise I got during my time as a PS Plus subscriber. Hadn’t I got it that way it would have totally flown under my radar. I remember having a good time playing it but I’ll be damned if I remember anything about the actual game.

Factorio actually scares me. I want to play it so bad, but I know I could just lose myself in there.

Hell no. I looked at Breitbart once and I think I’m scarred for life now.

Way to go!



If that’s so, I’m quite enjoying this being dead thing!

It’s just because 4000 is a bigger number than 1080. That alone tells people that what they currently have is obsolete and they need to upgrade, and it’s an easier to sell than “techie” concepts like framerate or shaders or whatever other technique that would, in fact, make the games look better and run more smoothly.

It’s just because 4000 is a bigger number than 1080. That alone tells people that what they currently have is obsolete and they need to upgrade, and it’s an easier to sell than “techie” concepts like framerate or shaders or whatever other technique that would, in fact, make the games look better and run more smoothly.

I didn’t know that. They were critically acclaimed after all. Maybe they just sold little compared to the astronomical sale numbers I assume any GTA game gets?

TBH, I’ll take replaceable batteries over built-in ones any day of the week. That said, if I had one of these controllers I’d hope these rechargeable packs work better than the ones for the 360 controllers which, either sucked horribly or I had the lousiest luck with the three or so I bought.

TBH, I’ll take replaceable batteries over built-in ones any day of the week. That said, if I had one of these

I’ve started Spacechem twice and abandoned it more or less at the same point, when it threatened to become an unpaid job. Which isn’t a knock on these games, quite the contrary, I loved what I played of Spacechem and feel a strong urge to play other Zachtronics games, as well as games like Factorio. It’s just they

But how does this explain the portal to the Nether Realm me and my friends opened up in my basement when we were kids?

If ever a day comes when I don’t have to make a living working in devops, I’m going to play the hell out of all these Zachlikes. Till then, I’ll just have to console myself pretending, whithin the limits of responsibility, that my job is the best Zachlike ever.

Just wait until they announce RDR2 loot-crates. I’m already feeling dizzy just thinking how they’re going to spin it.

It’s because GTA4 got two good-to-excellent expansions (because they were meaty like the expansions of old, not the usual DLC fare) and 5 got monetised multiplayer instead.

Do or do not. There is no think.

That’s what I was thinking as I wrote the above, but let’s say that my TV is currently living a much more dangerous life and leave it at that.