
I’m glad I moved BOTW straight to the front of my backlog and played it at launch. Otherwise, I’m positive I would have just put it in the backburner and waited until the day I upgrade my gaming PC to one capable of running this, which is probably years in the future unless my current one dies an unexpected death.

I see dead people.

Someone needs to get over their TV addiction.

God knows the series needs a major overhaul. I’ve been playing one AC a year since the first one came out and, even though I still manage to enjoy them somehow, the gameplay feels so stale at this point.

Maybe you know more than I do, I really have no idea, but I believe they don’t have an A team and a B team. It’s just everybody working in this year’s game, and then using it as a starting point for next year’s game.

Oh, I’m pretty excited all right. But my money is that it’s going to be broken AF on release, be eventually patched to a still glitchy but acceptable state, and then, in one or two years, we’ll get the same game with a reskin, slightly touched-up mechanics and most of the wrinkles ironed out, and that will be the one

It’s probably going to be the roll of faith.

Let’s say the focus would have to change considerably, as it used to be the kind of stuff that kids find boring immediately, not to mention exhausting. And I’ll admit I’m not looking forward to traveling with kids anyway. I do support my friends’ decision to have them, like I said, but I’m the opposite of a kid person

The friends I used to travel with, and who made fantastic travelling companions, now have a 2 year-old and another kid on the way. I support them 100%, but can’t help seeing the effective end of our travelling days as a small, first-world tragedy.

If it’s a movie I haven’t yet seen and am even remotely interested in, I’d rather the subtitles be off. I’m going to try my damnedest to keep my eyes averted to prevent spoilers, but every little bit help.

Bouncy bouncy!


“and it’s only divisible by one and itself”

How many do you want to do...

I don’t know about the original, but my first Kindle was a Touch and I loved it, but missed a backlit screen so much. Just a year later the Paperlight was announced, I bought one the day it was released and never looked back. Maybe it depends on where you read, but I find the backlight frees me from whatever ambient

Yeah I noticed how gyms aren’t nearly as social an experience as I thought they would be, but in any case, even though it was a side effect I was kind of expecting, I’m going to the gym to work out in earnest, and that doesn’t happen if I’m chatting with the person next to me!

Thanks for your encouragement. That phrase is something I intendo to keep in mind from now on!

The weight thing was just anecdotal really. It’s was just the latest episode and maybe what made it different it’s that it came at a point where I’m working hard to turn this part of my life around. For some reason it’s made me look back a lot at the last 20-25 years of my life (I’m 51) and suddenly I realised how

Like I replied to someone else, I drew the line a long time ago, and it’s only that I just realised maybe it’s time to move the line a little closer.

We’ve been friends for about 25 years, and sure we’ve had our ups and downs. Dialogue will surely put a stop to the poking, for a time at least. About the dragging down part, I’ve been doing my own thing for a long time now and mostly ignoring his input on the matter at hand. It’s just I suddenly realised I have to