
Because it’s subtle, it doesn’t happen overnight and, also becuse, how you can possibly imagine, there’s more to this person than the one-dimensional portrait I had to paint in my original post for the sake of brevity. He’s actually a very kind person, only flawed (who isn’t) in a way that simply has taken its toll

Well, I guess it’s a tough realisation, but I’m glad if I turned out to be of help. You may say you’re insecure, but taking a long hard look at oneself in the mirror is something not everybody is capable of/has the guts for. That’s one battle you just won right there, so kudos for that.

Thanks for the explanation. Luckily for me my situation is nowhere near that dire. :)

I’ll have to look into that. I’ve been neglecting my poor Steam controller for too long.

I’m pretty sure there’s a joke there that I’m not getting and suddenly the curiosity is killing me. :P

Yeah, I’ve started considering bringing it up before he ends up lighting my admittedly short fuse. I’ve also started to look for activities that take me out of the comfort zone and help me meet new people, something I’ve neglected for way too long.

I’m facing this kind of situation right now. I have this long-time, close friend that is constantly (and I mean constantly) bringing me down something fierce.

Hopefully these improvements will make it to the other versions as well. One of the things keeping me from playing SV is that I read the game was fiddly with a controller, and I just can’t bring myself to play games sitting at a desk any more after sitting at a desk all day.

Had I bought it and started playing on launch day, I’d probably be 90% away from completion. Hell, I kickstarted the first one and still have to play it. I know nothing about the people that do this sort of thing but there’s a part of me that envies them.

Funny. First think that crossed my mind was to post something along the lines of “I never feel bad when I make a mistake because it’s always somebody else’s fault”, then HE came to mind and then I read your post.

Of course the answer is “because money”. Probably maintaining the SP codebase wasn’t worth it any more, so they focused on the cash-cow.

The bad: no single-player extra content whatsoever.

I have this horrible memory about FFVII of all games. It was the middle of the week, I had to get up early to go to work the next day, it was getting really late and there I was, playing a section of the game that just wouldn’t end. It didn’t even have combat that I remember. Just an endless sequence of dialogue after

The boss-battle-centric gamemaplay makes this game a hard-pass for me (not a knock on the game, I simply hate bossfights) but I sure as hell am going to watch the hell out of it on YouTube.

I guess I’m on the other side of the sprectrum in that I’ve tried to consolize my gaming PC as much as possible. At work I multitask like crazy, juggling several screens, and virtual desktops like I’m spinning plates, but when at last I can crash on the couch for some gaming I want as much immediacy and as little

To me, Big Picture is a godsend, but I hate, hate, hate the homescreen layout. It does show the last game played, and that’s good, but wouldn’t it be great if it showed, say, the last three games I’ve played? Instead I get the rather useless “What your friends are playing” button and the mindbogginly useless “Don’t

By Jason Schreier.

I’m not precisely the biggest fan of kids, but don’t you think smearing them on the wall is a little extreme?

Fingers crossed.

So you’re like me but two games even further behind! I’m currently playing Unity which, after all the flak it got, I suppose was patched to a decent state and I’m enjoying it (I tend to enjoy AC games the same way one enjoys chewing gum though). Still, Black Flag is for me the best AC ever, although I’ll always have a