Did the fact its from the Onion tip you off?
"Sochi is NSFW? Yeah we know!"
Obviously this was fake. I mean did you SEE those bedrooms?!?
I wish there was an easy way to explain American politics to Special Dark voters.
You like black licorice flavored garbage pills. You don't get to vote anymore
You see that he does this during NFL and MLB drafts but that he doesn't do it on NBA drafts. That's because he's too busy with his real job as GM of the Knicks.
Huh - I thought for a second that AJ Clemente had a new job.
Elton John: Don't worry, Michael, it gets bett-
As the chick in this video, all I can say is that running in powder when there's no one else out at night is a shitload of fun. But stopping to pose for the local news station in the middle of the icy street hurts like a bitch. Glad it's as funny for everyone else as it was for us.
I can't imagine running under those conditions. I mean, with a girl?
Flamer Tweets Controversial Picture of Fruit
There's just a massive splatter of semen on Darren Rovell's ceiling right now.
Ice is the coolest thing at the Olympics, Barry. Bad journalism.
Who pissed in their Cheerios? The multiracial family from the earlier commercial.
It's called English fuckheads, it's not even ours to begin with.
Like it matters. With Barack HUSSEIN Obama in the White House, we'll all be speaking MUSLIM within a few years anyway!