Anyone who calls this traveling can die in a fire.
Anyone who calls this traveling can die in a fire.
"Some people are fans of the Carolina Panthers. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Carolina Panthers..."
Kid's got a great future in sports reporting. His irony skates right on the edge of sarcasm, but never crosses.
Orioles Clothing Hanger
Columbia, Miss =\= Columbia, Mo
And let this be recorded as the first time in human history that telling a dude he had a big cock elicited a negative reaction.
Ben Wyatt at 25? Did you even watch this show?
My brief story was an elderly woman came in to our store and ordered a burger.
When FSU got down early, my brother, who was rooting for FSU, said Jameis Winston had the Ducks right where he wanted them.
Tallahassee Police Department say Winston didn't fumble.
This is like a "Key & Peele" skit for white folks.
John Wall = awesome dude
I have just one question.
Fitzpatrick: Bryan, give me two numbers from the 90s and Brady's going to multiply them together.
Kugler: [returns to office in darkened UTEP field house]
And now everyone is going in on RG3. Steve Young is going in... A radio station listener who won a contest to write for the local CBS station (this is something that happened) is going in... Fucking Pat White is going in!
Whose Defensive Line Is It Anyway?
Here's the thing: candy corn tastes good.