
He wasn't exactly the first to "dig it up":

If it's not his kidding, it's somebody's.

Second arrest was 2nd-degree assault, 2nd-degree domestic violence. Released on bond. According to Steve Walentik (Columbia Daily Tribune)

The hell is this shit, Marchman?

Anyone who watched his press conference yesterday could have figured this one out.


Cannot stop laughing.

What were these pics taken on, a Kodiak?

Yeah, the Redskins were supposed to rebuild a year after winning the division, and retaining the entire core of the roster. The defense is (and was) awful, sure, but to say are "supposed to be in the rebuilding process" as a team is idiotic.

"Is Notre Dame really the number 1 ream in the nation really?"

Britt, Dan, and Roch are all pretty solid actually. Their conversations on Twitter can be fairly amusing as well. I like Dan's game stories the best, though.

I guess they prematurely "shot their wad" and now they have something of a mess on their hands, huh?

This is art. +1

Now playing

It's a disgrace that Jim Zorn isn't on this list (or even in the notables!!) if for no other reason than SWINGING GATE

Roberts suffered his concussion sliding into second base. Not really "exactly what Harper did".

Beat me too. God I can't wait for season 4.

This is how he dressed ON HIS BIRTHDAY. <3 U Jay. Never change.

Bald guys w/ glasses behind Pitino makes the entire GIF.

Can we combine this with Rick Reilly's rap and put it on a loop somehow? Because that would be just swell.