
Hence "1.5 sacks."

Briskey recognized her horrible mistake the instant she saw that Shepherd did in fact bleed crimson.

Can you imagine the backlash if this had happened to an actual football team?

He just found out about Lennay Kekua.

If by far less you mean "actually contacting a player" then, sure.

This is the face of a man who knew exactly what he was doing.

As a Washington fan I'm more concerned that Kyle Shanahan's dad keeps hanging around the locker room.

Bring baseball writers' nightmares to life, and turn it into the Hall of Very Good.

I think in order to properly give the Hall of Fame, that venerable symbol of the American athletic history, its proper due, we should nominate and vote for a stalwart in the sport.

Fans like the Antlers and their elk are giving the game a bad name.

What do you mean?

This is still the most surreal part of the entire time of the coverage for me. That ESPNEWS had, as breaking news, "Manti Te'os Girlfriend Did Not Exist," in a huge box on the screen, for several hours.

Do NOT fuck this up, people.

without this...we would have never had this

Footrace Between Drunk Bears, Fans Ends Exactly As It Should

To be fair, you can't even walk in Chicago without running into at least a few Poles.

Wow, even if you can get really high, it's still a bad idea to run the post pattern.