
Goodness. You're going to browbeat us in a second that the Acclaim/Spirit/Le Baron wasn't a K car aren't you? #convictedmalaiseeramoparfan

You spelled 'bitter' incorrectly

Eighty-four hundreds is a pile of change. You're using your noodle. I'm not sure if it follows the rules insofar as paying for something that's been done. But as for money relegated to doing, there is much doing that can be done.

My God, it's full of stars!

Sorry? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You forgot his third setting, Underwear Salesman.

How do you eat cereal?

Do you need a warranty if you kill yourself?

I see a pattern...

Slap on some missiles and we got a dealdeal!

Right? If only this asshole had just been lettering comic books, he would have avoided a bunch of trouble.

Three words. Crab legs amiright?

Or just two words: bull hockey

Steampunk my eye. It's a very good utilization of a compact rimfire cartcartridge. Could make for a nasty surprise.

Guess the only thing they could find to film this on was a potato.

Methinks this is indigenous to the Austin area, in which case, it probably rides on a fridge truck like everything else. Fridge trucks are already hustling scores of kegs, and I'd bet one of those weighs just as much if not more than this lengthy thing.

As a Floridian, I'll agree with the AWD bit unless you actually do something that takes you off road which is what an awful lot of Florida is. But "inexpensive" and "station wagon"? I'm sorry, an X3 is neither.

There was that 3000 mile part. Dude rolled to Anchorage, a little ways past the border.

So, kinda like Sweet Home?

Wait, the band director is named John Waters?