
11.3% of original owners keep them 15 years or longer, which is 1.8x the average. It’s ranked 5 on the list of cars kept longest; a list dominated by Toyota. 

Nonsense. Sort by chargers over 50kW. All over the place.

Here is a sort by 200+kW in my region. Combine that with 500 miles of range and you can go anywhere easily with little hassle. You can even sort by EA only and it hardly changes. 

yeah but he also said a million robotaxis last year and the cybertruck was coming soon. 

I saw one of these on the road yesterday — it was right behind me, so I slowed down a bit to get it to pass me. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get a very good photo, but it’s a nice looking car.

Except that’s a Tesla.

That looks immensely better than any of the Tesla turds on every level. 

These arguments are getting ridiculous now.

The best selling vehicle in America for the past 30 years weighs 4-5k pounds.

This guy is here...

eh, not necessarily. Lots of places with high incomes and majority of folks living in apartments. 

Aerodynamics does not favor a crossover and if they wanted to take the longest-range crown, they needed to push for as much aero as possible.

“Only 520 miles? Needs to be 1,000. If it were 1,000, I’d buy one tomorrow.

Only if you have a garage you can park at overnight with a charger. A lot of people living in apartments or have to park outside do not have that luxury. So  while their commute might be short, they have to do that commute many times a week before they have a chance to use a charger. 300+ mile range doesn’t have to be

I’m looking forward to the barrage of tweets from Musky to try to detract from this.

“but mah road trips”

This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.

I’ll be patiently waiting in the comments for someone to come say how this EV won’t work for them because their commute is 600 miles each way in the snow towing a 12,000lb trailer.

At some point range is going to be looked at like horsepower. Anything over 300 is unneeded.

Never heard of this in my life.