
It’s a good thing all of us who supported SAG AFTRA during the strike are happy to pay more for streaming subscriptions now. Otherwise we’d be hypocrites.

What happened was this- once you are in their system you can opt in to the “find my DNA relatives” feature; once you’ve done this, you see the names, current city, picture (if included), age, and relation of any of your “relatives” with whom you share DNA, no matter how distant; so the 14k users were stupid and reused

Yup, 14k was the number of people dumb enough to reuse a password, but because of the ability to “link” your account to find all of your DNA relatives, that number jumps exponentially to 6.9 million... that’s the problem, and why 23andMe is so scared that they’re trying to cover their asses. With such a huge

How does 23andme know if you are reusing passwords from other sites?  

Yeah, I hate to defend 23andme, but people who reused passwords definitely shoulder some of the blame here.  I mean obviously the hackers share the lion’s share, but they enabled the hackers to access their accounts by reusing passwords. 

Wait, so it really wasn’t their fault?

I’m pretty much on their side legally here, even though the company could have done better. For what it’s worth, I’ve been in InfoSec for two decades and credential stuffing as it’s called now (password re-use leading to a breach), is indeed technically the “fault” of the user and to a lesser degree, the other entity

$150M is the initial estimate. There’s sure to be cost overruns.

Get Lockheed to build them a $150 million sink to they can run it under warm water. 

Presumably there are a few factors at work for why it’s better at upselling:

Not sure if the bill to help fix this problem went anywhere but if this article from just a few months ago is correct, they are indeed unable not just unwilling because legally they have to prove the car was locked which is basically impossible.

That is my biggest issue. Legally I am FORCED to have auto insurance, even though I drive less than 1k miles a year (combo of post covid world and change careers). Since I and other Americans are forced into the scam, it needs to be nationalized as for profit companies exist for profit...not providing what is

People love to crap on insurance companies, but car insurance IS highly regulated almost everywhere. It is not a license to print money. But if things don’t go as your actuary gnomes think it will, you can lose a shitload of money in a hurry. And if the gnomes think costs are going to increase faster than the state

I am going to play devil’s advocate here (I honestly don’t have an opinion), but let’s assume that what everyone is saying is true, that the insurance companies are running some sort of scam here, where they are inflating their losses relative to what people are paying. What is the benefit to them to not insure people

And then eventually they can do salaries!

...and? This isn't exactly setting new precedent. I recall them doing this with 7 as well.

A phev uses 1/4-1/5 of the battery of a full electric. It can provide 90% of the daily use as full electric.

Did you know that someone named King Varga killed 2 people with his car? I didn’t until I read this story that told how a guy named King Varga, who killed 2 people with his car, is suing people for saying that he killed 2 people with his car.

This is no good, my daily  commute is 450 miles one way and I tow 7000lbs, I cant wait 20 minutes for it to recharge ! I want a 6000sux

I’m admittedly not an expert in this specific area, but clicking through your link and some of the cited links within it, all I saw was reference to requiring manufacturers to be transparent about whether a warranty is transferable but I’m not seeing anything mandating that it be transferable