
Ed Cara is hands down one of this site’s best writers.

Balanced articles like this likely make patients more comfortable trusting their medical professional either way.

Definitely.  This is the most balanced article I’ve seen on it.

Was thinking the same thing. More of THAT, please.

My understanding of even the best valid Ivermectin trials show that it doesn’t help with the severity of the disease - but it does help you get better faster. Meaning: You aren’t more or less likely to recover, but on average you might spend 2-3 days less in the hospital.

IF that’s true, that’s good news for

I like when a news article doesn’t bash but tries to inform in a pretty neutral way.

Old boomers hold them to a level that makes them seem like they’re street legal top fuel dragsters, and they are absolutely not. A big 400+ cubic inch V8 that makes an advertised 350+ horsepower until you realize that was measured without and accessories or even a transmission hooked up. Then add a 3 speed auto or 4

LMFAO left the Afgan government to fend for itself...LMFAO thats a good on and also hilariously stupid......The US has dumped hundreds of million into the Afgan government and spent 20 years training these people, just for them to give up 30 seconds into any sort of fight....

You will be called a troll or some random insult for this but I appreciate stating what I was thinking as well

Does Biden’s “Stuck with Trump’s plan” include being so rushed and half-assed that we not only didn’t secure Afghanistan’s military, wait for their winter months but also didn’t secure our own fucking arms, loaned and on bases? Trump’s Taliban appeasement forces us to do that, huh?

that’s why there’s human review.  Plus second-order collision resistance is quite good in modern cryptographic-grade hash algorithms, so it’s extremely unlikely overlaps will occur.  If anything the system is prone to false negatives, not positives.

that isn’t how this works, at all. The way it DOES work is that nonprofits working to prevent child abuse and government agencies take the images they find of child abuse, taken during arrests and takedowns of sharing sites, and run a computer algorithm on the binary data that makes up the image. This results in a

They just built a back door to iCloud.

5th gear: both-sidesing”?? Seriously?

Wow. This will be a test. I’m not sure I have heard of sweeping mandates before. Usually it’s employer/job role based type of mandates. Public employees, military, etc. But sweeping mandates for public participation will surely get court tested.

How did nationalizing the oil industry work out for Venezuela?

Where has nationalizing any industry ever worked out?

The other Teslas Erik listed are also available and can use Tesla’s charging network. Yet he said the Lucid Air was better than those.

I don’t think people are as fixated on Tesla as much as you think they are. I’m looking at possibly buying a Tesla if the tax credit expansion comes through, but I’m emphatically looking for an electric car, not a Tesla.

The Model S Plaid is just the regular Model S (boring, kind of chintzy, half-assed) with a bigger battery and the world’s worst steering wheel.

This thing looks incredible, and everytime I am reminded that it exists, I vaguely want one. In between actually looking at a picture of it, it completely vanishes from my consciousness. That isn’t great given that I spend too much time thinking about cars, and am actively shopping for an EV.