
I’ll add that it’s especially amusing to get on Musk over this about 2018, when Tesla was losing shit-loads of money and came closest to bankruptcy. Shame on that CEO, for not taking money out of his company even when its cash flow was dire! Give me Private Equity people who will always take money out of the company,

This implied incredulity here seems bizarre to me:

So, how does he know it’s THAT issue and not the particle contamination issue? A manufacturing issue? A supply issue? A dry electrode issue? Or just a desire to use the cells elsewhere? Or realizing they can’t make a Plaid+ that’s enough faster than a Plaid to be worth the price increase and R&D inputs?

Plaid+ was supposed to use Tesla’s new 4680 battery with higher energy density. The problem might be with getting that battery to production.

Come on, it was a joke:

Oh, I see. That make so much sense thank you for explaining it. Eventually, at some point, it will be an autopilot but it’s not there yet. Somewhere down the road, it will be what it’s supposed to be. Just not now!

On a completely separate matter, I have a full on electric car, The EV MAX 1000+ XL Plus SE, with a

That sentence cracked me up:

There are no less than 4 peer reviewed papers discussing the algorithms and validations of the system which are freely available.  I’m not really sure what value the source is going to bring here. 

Also, the defense would have had its opportunity at trial to subpoena representatives of the company as well as its own experts and call into question the accuracy of the technique in front of the jury. I’m assuming that they did this, but the jury didn’t buy it, or they failed to do this, which is on them.

Also, GitHub is a collaboration platform, not a “social” one.

For at least the second time in recent memory, a person’s life potentially hinges on critical information that is being withheld by a social platform

Common control usage doesn’t appear to require the screen, from what I can see in the video.  It’s fine.

How will they find them? Paper maps?

Get ready for the anti-technology crowd to come after you. 

If you watched the video, you might have noticed that they have physical climate control buttons right where you’re saying they should be.

It’s not “straight down.”  Did you watch the video? 

I don’t get this objection. The “pilot panel” is just below the dashboard-mounted display, right where your controls are now. Where do you suggest putting them?

Nobody here is excusing the Saudis. They are just pointing out that drawing the line at this particular car company seems an odd choice given that almost any billion dollar organization is likely to have ties to some unsavory activity.

I can’t go with the whataboutism I’m seeing here.  It looks like a mirror of Faux News.  It’s basically casting a very wide net with no support, and putting up a situation that could justify not opposing slavery unless everything with the abolitionist’s side was perfect.

On the Henry Ford/Musk dirty past, is there a manufacturer that’s completely clean? Citroen maybe, when your vice-president and chairman is an “Enemy of the Reich” you’re doing something right.