
The vitriolic way you use "cross dresser" as an insult is textbook-homophobia...

Hey, if there's one thing that's absolutely true, without a shred of doubt, it's that I won this thing a long time ago. No pretending necessary. I'm still here because watching you dig, and dig, and dig is so perversely entertaining... So by all means, keep on showering us with your astounding mental instability, so

I know two guys named "Cass" (short for Cassidy - a male name), and one woman, whose full name is Cassandra. "Cass" alone is traditionally associated with males (although it can be unisex, like Pat, Terry, or Alex). (Females generally go with "Cassie".) I had to guess, and went with the statistically more likely

Now playing

Number one strategy for a weak-minded troll who senses he's floundering and out of his depth: Accuse others of trolling. This is exactly how you appear right now:

Wow, I really underestimated how sad and pathetic you are. Next time you try to tell a blatant lie in a weak attempt to save face, at least make it a lie that I can't very easily prove wrong with 20 seconds of fact-checking... LOL :) You fuckwit.

Nice epic tome. I could not possibly care less what you wrote.

A) Thanks for proving me right so abundantly, with your complete lack of a coherent argument. Also, note how everyone else has pointed out the exact same thing. And nobody agrees with you.

You are dense. A key "working" is not a binary, black-or-white thing. The ease of sliding into the lock, how easily it turns, whether or not you need to jiggle it: all those things factor into a rational person's interpretation of how well a key "works". You're just trying to be a troll.

Stores use technology to research their customers in an effort to make smarter business choices which increase their sales numbers? SHOCKING!!! OH THE HORROR!!!! Let's all freak out about this incredibly banal and non-threatening revelation...

??? Wow, that sure was.... ...something.

Nope! Thanks for playing, though...

The movie is perfectly decent until the last 15 minutes, then it gets terrible.

"...easily in the thousands..."

To have watched The Shining (which clocks in at 146 minutes) a minimum of 2,000 times, means you've watched it a cumulative 202 days, 18 hours, and 40 minutes. I'm gonna hafta call 'bullshit' on your claim of "thousands". Hundreds maybe, but not thousands...

Who the fuck gets $5 per tooth? That's a 1000% increase from when I was a kid. Spoiled brats these days...

Thank you!!! :)

It's in Minnesota, and it's called "Project Pathfinder". It's a non-profit organization.

WTF is a "SVU", and where are you getting all this conjecture you're spewing? What facts or evidence do you have to back up anything you've just written?

I've never been sexually assaulted, but I also do not even have television service. I own a TV, but just for movies and video games. I have absolutely no clue where you would get the idea that I watch too much television, considering the fact that I never watch television.

She sounds like a quitter...