Umm... what? I'm pretty sure you're the one that doesn't know the population of this country, because there aren't "hundreds of millions of kids" in it.
Umm... what? I'm pretty sure you're the one that doesn't know the population of this country, because there aren't "hundreds of millions of kids" in it.
I have never, not once, ever, ever, ever heard to him referred to as "AD". Only AP. Ever.
What? No... Just, what?!
I heard he refused to take his boots off because his grandfather fought against Range Rovers in the war.
I have a cousin called Andrea (pronounced Ondria.) She named her son Francis ... we call him Froncis when she's not around. Are we assholes?
I work in the restaurant/bar biz and if someone ever tried to get alcohol with a business card... well I'd laugh them out the door.
It's Japan. They all live to be 170 years old now a days.
The correct label does not improve the music.
IMO people hate iTunes because its popular to hate iTunes, in my experiance iTunes is slow because its running on a slow computer, when i use iTunes, it starts and runs fine without issues, not saying everybody elses experiance is that way, but i dont have any issues with it. in regards to advanced features, if i open…
The one thief who knew how to drive stick, and you baffled him with a disguised automatic, brilliant!
Is it so hard to understand that some keys to the same lock are sticky whereas some are silky when compared to one another?
Still, there is a difference in sense memory and literally tasting something. the heck telemarketers get your fake Facebook name, if you show it only for friends you have? Just saying that you are looking the problem from wrong end.
Lol, best response ever! Never has so much been said with just 2 words. Some people just don't get that sex doesn't have to be a factor in every man/woman relationship.
We're grownups. It's all good.
I already said both in the post u read and responded to. Yet both had nothing to do with hunting and trying to kill and trying to win.
so Katniss never really hunts and KILLS anyone even in the book??
I interviewed the filmmaker on if any of you want to read more about it: