(Yes, I realize that this is REALLY late... I have a life.)
(Yes, I realize that this is REALLY late... I have a life.)
There are approximately 53 million people under 18 years of age in the US. You're a dipshit...
Except that Critical Mass has an important and useful social purpose. This shit has no use or purpose.
Are you 13 years old? Some people, like, say, emotionally-healthy well-adjusted adults, are perfectly capable of being good friends with their exes, without it being an issue at all for future relationships.
Sure, why not. You're clearly incapable of wrapping your feeble mind around an actual answer, so I'll just agree with you, in the hopes you'll leave this site.
PRECISELY!!! That's very weird! And the answer is: "Because it's a motherfuckin' bridge, you imbecile!"
I'm sorry; did you get the impression that this is my bridge?? That I own it, or that I'm somehow responsible for building or financing it?? Why the fuck would you think that, you lunatic??
For fuck sake, give it a rest. Bridges are really fucking expensive. That's your answer. Now eat your damn vegetables.
"Grow up" says the guy who gets all bent out of shape and pouts and stomps his little feet when somebody disses his music.
This isn't a question of anyone's superiority; it's a question of your idiocy. You made a fool out of yourself, and then you continue to insist on making it worse for yourself. Nice job.
I completely agree with all people rightly pointing out what an ignorant, reckless, jackass this driver is. But I want to point out something that seems to me to be a huge hypocrisy and a lapse in simple logic: If this guy is so willing to break every speed law and change lanes so aggressively and recklessly, why…
People with taste in music can't tell the difference.
Your weak attempt to dodge the issue and somehow make this about me is pathetic, and reveals your ignorance perfectly. Myself, and multiple other people, have clearly and completely illustrated the fallacy in your thinking, and you persist in ignoring the simple question posed to you by myself and others.
OMG, am I conversing with a nine-year-old?? What is your frame of reference? What gives you the idea that's a lot of money for a bridge? Have you bought bridges before? Have you paid to have them built?
"... but 6.4 BILLION seems a bit expensive."
Wait, so you've stopped shopping on eBay, one of the largest and best sources for purchasing inexpensive goods of any type on the internet, because you had one bad transaction? Did you use eBay's robust and extremely-effective Resolution Center, or utilize their excellent Buyer Protection guarantees? Unless your…
Why a moldy steering wheel?
iTunes runs perfectly quick on Mac computers, and is annoyingly slow and clunky on Windows machines. (This statement is based upon my own personal expereince, and that of numerous people I know.) This is probably caused by Apple on purpose, but I don't really care, since I'm on a Mac.
You seem to be implying that a Mac user needs to have software installed to use the "Find My iPhone" feature. That's incorrect; it's completely browser-based, and works extremely well.