
"I'm sure you've heard this, but an anecdote doesn't equal evidence."

How about she refrains from irrationally freaking out at strangers on a goddamn internet comment thread?

Please read my response to "avalucy".

Which article??

Are you mixing up "treatable" with "curable"?

Maybe some, I really don't know...

Well, I can assure you that I would not jump to that unfair conclusion about you. Nor would I deny you access to the treatment you need. But freaking out at me doesn't help you, and I'm not the one putting up obstacles to you receiving treatment. Accusing me of being "ignorant as fuck" and referring to what I've

Clearly, you're not interested in empirical evidence or facts. You just want to be angry...

I'll paste the same link here, which worked for everyone else who jumped down my throat about it, but which for some reason didn't work for you:

Yes, there is. I have no idea why you would make should a grand and sweeping proclamation, but there is a multitude of documented, empirical evidence which proves that sex offenders are rehabilitated all the time. Do you really need me to hunt it all down for you so you have some citations?

Most people fail to recognize that there are two distinct types of recidivism rates: There are rates for untreated offenders, which naturally are pretty high, and there are the rates for treated offenders, who go through a rigorous court-ordered psychological treatment program lasting years, whose rates of reoffending

Ok, full disclosure time.

I'm just saying that sex offenders usually have some degree of treatable mental illness, which can be mitigated over time with proper care, so that they can be gradually reintegrated into society, with courts' supervision.

Then why are psychopathic sex offenders treated and reintegrated into society, with the supervision and sanction of courts, all the time?

Well, my only fail was to not read through the entire entry, apparently. The current consensus within the psychiatric community, as held up by most courts of law, is that these people can be treated, and, over a long period of time, be reintegrated into society.

Prison, gallows, needle, whatev... I personally think we should bring back the guillotine.

Rigorous psychological treatment is often successful in helping these troubled people learn to control their thoughts and urges...

How long ago was the last time you checked?

One "NO" would have been sufficient.

Some level of "psychopathic personality disorder" is almost always a factor in rapes. It is treatable.