
First off, if you're gonna wait an entire week to reply, then don't even bother; sheesh...

Blah Blah Blah... I understand the point you're attempting to make, but it doesn't apply to this topic at all. What you're saying is not "hard to understand", it's just foolish and sloppy. You're a nitwit...

I completely agree with you, and I easily understood the logic of what you're saying without having ever taken any physics courses.

Then why is simple logic so deftly eluding you?? Haven't you read anything that myself or the other commenter have written??

Stalker much? (Creeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyyy...)

So you don't understand; that's unfortunate. I do understand. But please don't try to lecture me on art. I have two graduate-level art degrees. If an artist wants the viewer to perceive the subject as looking at himself in the mirror, then the subject should simply look at himself in the mirror.. If the artist wants

You're absolutely right. I don't understand why "blank media_five" can't understand it...

Is it okay for your employees to whip out their cocks and start jerking off to the porn you apparently encourage in the workplace? I'm sure you're probably fine with that, because you'd have to be a pretty sanctimonious prude to frown upon that, right? If I worked for you, it would be fine to have a hooker swing by my

Read it again...

Wow, dude, why the unbridled hostility for a post from two weeks ago??? If a person is holding a gigantic slab of plastic up to the side of their head, they DO objectively look very strange. I'm not "so concerned" with how other people look, I'm just stating a simple observation that's completely on-topic. Don't be

"It seems however you are one of those people who must have the last word..."

That's perfectly fine and good, but I cannot fathom why you insist on approaching this as an issue of "My position against yours" and "I'm right and you're wrong". You act like we're debating two opposing positions, where we're supposed to be providing evidence to support our argument in an effort to demonstrate our

... Wow, would you please give it up already? You make absolutely no sense at all; there's not an iota of consistency to anything you just wrote. First you claim that it's "wrong" to place certain media higher than other media. Then without even taking a breath, you go on to specifically delineate how certain media are

Hipsters are like terrible drivers: Everyone agrees that they do exist, but nobody thinks that they areone...

...And those were never intended to be put in pockets, purses, or even taken out of the house, for that matter. Jussayin'... :)

Sorry about your self-esteem issues. I'm not sure how being in the vast minority "means nothing". I'm relieved we have people like you to let the vast majorities of people know what they should and shouldn't enjoy. Thanks!