
You could not possibly be more wrong. Or more in the minority. You're a fool, and nobody agrees with you...

There is nothing in that entire passage, which you so painstakingly copied and pasted, that contradicts anything I said. At all. Congrats.

Are you insane, or dense? He was writing in the second person.

Okay, first of all, dude, it's spelled c-a-n-o-n. Canon. You keep switching back and forth as if you don't know which is correct...

All your examples are from video games, which are far below novels and comics in the Expanded Universe hierarchy. Furthermore, you cite Mara's purple saber from MotS as debuting in 1998. The Thrawn Trilogy began in 1991, significantly earlier... My point is that this new cover art is employing some major retconning...

And we're just that much closer now to being gargoyles from Snow Crash... :)

"...that cut out women from ROTJ or had their voices dubbed with that of a man."

You sad, sad little creature.

YES!!! +1000!

So, this saber color for MJ is a new retcon choice? Perhaps they think they can do this because a precedent was set after Sam Jackson begged GL to let him have a purple saber. It's been stated canonically over and over for years that Sith use only the synthetic red crystals, because of their greater strength.

"Sith lightsabers are typically red or purple."

Ah, yes, Shannon. When I met her and had her autograph this card, I asked her why her saber was purple, and she said that always confused her, too, and wrote it off as a stylistic choice by a clueless designer.

MJ never had a purple saber. So either the artist was taking some major "creative license" with that image, or it's not Mara. I'm leaning to the latter...

A) This video was incredibly lame, and obviously made by somebody who never watched any of the other Marvel lead-up flicks...

You're reviled by the QR code? Are you sure that's the word you meant to use?

Ummmmm, thanks for the info. (??)

"As I said, you obviously have an agenda."

"The argument isn't whether or not it's okay to to send an innocent person to jail."

A) I don't really think that you actually have Aspergers Syndrome. It's just that you communicate in the same inanely nitpicky, technical, soulless manner as people who do have that form of autism.

Yeah, yeah... Splitting hairs. I should have said that it's not its own thing anymore. But yes, what you've said is correct.