"Sike", Sam??? Did you actually just write that word as "SIKE"??! Are you trolling us?? Have you never heard of words like "psychic", "psychology", "psychoactive", or "psychotic"??
"Sike", Sam??? Did you actually just write that word as "SIKE"??! Are you trolling us?? Have you never heard of words like "psychic", "psychology", "psychoactive", or "psychotic"??
Nope. You fail at reading comprehension. Words like "weekend" and "weekday" have actual, real life definitions. That is what my "whole argument is based on". Furthermore, it is abundantly obvious to anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex that the OP is an American, based on his use of the term "senior year of…
Irrelevant. "Weekdays" and the standard "work week" are still defined the same as in the US.
"I still consider friday to be the weekend."
Most Toyotas are made in America, by Americans, jackass...
The article has nothing to do with NFC. "Hifrequency" started babbling about NFC and promoting the Lumia 920, so "JFI" naturally called them out on it. The wireless charging tech you referred to was never mentioned by "Hifrequency" at all...
Ummmm, nope. You're just a conserva-troll.
Nice! I wasn't aware of that...
In space, no one can hear you cough your ass off.
Right, but you're over-simplifying the old way. With either method, you have to do something before getting to the airport: either check in online to receive an email, or check in via the mobile app which adds the boarding pass to your Passbook.
I have the black one, from day one, and I've never had it in a case. It looks exactly like the "With a case" photos above. I have no idea what the hell you're doing with your phone, Sam... (How do you define "normal use"??)
"...clearly you have an issue with Boys being known for wearing blue and girls for wearing pink."
Way to reinforce outdated gender stereotypes, jerk.
Add? Like "addition" in math class with plus signs 'n shit? Because you obviously weren't referring to an ADVERTISEMENT, since that word only has one fucking D!!!
Are you trolling? Or just a world-class dipshit? You're honestly boycotting movie theaters until they have metal detectors? So because one whacko committed a horrific crime, you feel unsafe now in every theater? Do you also refuse to walk on sidewalks? Because people get shot on those all the time...
Are you high? Or just stupid?
I wanna make a Star Trek IV joke so badly, but I can't think of one...
:) :) Good. Because it gets all hyper-linguistic analytical about the difference between "can" and "shall", and it devolves into a real shit-show... I've had this debate a few times before. Suffice it to say, given the nature of what balrogs are, and what wizards are, "cannot" actually makes far more sense under the…
:) :) Good. Because it gets all hyper-linguistic analytical about the difference between "can" and "shall", and it devolves into a real shit-show... I've had this debate a few times before. Suffice it to say, given the nature of what balrogs are, and what wizards are, "cannot" actually makes far more sense under the…
I never stated nor implied that the moment wasn't "bone-deep awesome"; I whole-heartedly agree with you about the intense epic grandness of that climactic scene, and I totally enjoy it every time I watch it. I was obviously referring to the choice of words in the script, and the way it's blatantly different than the…