You clearly have never read the book...
You clearly have never read the book...
Yes, you are correct. This is one of the more glaring mistakes that PJ made. In the book, Gandalf definitely says "cannot" a number of times, and "shall not" zero times.
Wow, you're thinking WAY too hard about this...
AND WE HAVE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) +100 for you!!!
You are quite dense.
I have a Mac Mini and I use Launchpad every day.
Your "counterexamples" make no sense whatsoever, since your spellings completely contradict the sounds you were trying to illustrate. So yes, you failed quite hard.
Hellooooo! This is not a remake at all... If anything, it's a prequel. When Dorothy gets to Oz in the original story, the Wizard has obviously already been there for a long time. This new film is the story of how he got there. Take your "I'm an eternally-offended-psycho-feminist" rhetoric somewhere else...
Odd. I set up email on my iPhone in less than 5 minutes. As did everyone I know. You must interact with only morons...
You should win some kind of a trophy or award for being the only person here who responded with calm respect and intelligence. Sincere kudos and to you, sir or ma'am. Thank you. :)
"Ad" is short for "advertisement". One "d". :)
YES! Thank you... :)
"Stop making excuses for the dumb ass car owners that park in front of fire hydrates." (sic)
Wow, the multitude of self-righteous whiny douchebags who all started screaming about how much they happened to dislike my comment is astounding. Thank goodness for the "Dismiss" button.
Yes, the car owner was an idiot and a dickhead for parking there. Yes, it was completely reasonable for the firefighters to break out one of the car's windows. But both of them??? That's just needless wanton destruction. Once the first window was broken, I guarantee it would have been much quicker and easier to simply …
Follow your screen name, genius.
I don't care what The Weather Channel says. I'm still gonna keep referring to that winter storm as "Boomer"...
You forgot to end your post by screaming "And get off my lawn, dammit!". That's what you sound like.