
I want more feminist responses that decry the use of Halloween as excuse to dress like a slut. If you wanna dress like that all the time, then that's totally awesome. I'm all for it. But when ladies who regularly are much more conservative in their attire decide to tramp it up once per year on Halloween, I lose all

"Terrible Iron Man" is actually just "original comic book" Iron Man.

I just spent 45 minutes trying to replicate this problem, without success. Flashlights, ceiling fixtures, lamps, a crazy-bright halogen garage lamp: nothing will cause the purple to appear with my iPhone 5. I'm not denying that other people are having this issue, but it's obviously not universal across all 5s, because

Thank you for posting a link to an article which serves to support my position: (from the NPR article you linked)

It's TOTALLY worth it to get the 5. Do it. No question.


And of course, every one of those circumstances are totally Andrew McG's fault, right? Or whoever it was that caused a scratch on the laptop you purposely bought of your own free will? Do you have any clue what an entitled, spoiled little baby you sound like?? Don't cry to me about the expenses of college. I have

Well played... :)

If that were the case, then the question would be: Why was he asking for directions to a location that he already knew how to get to. That's kinda bizarre...

I think the Apple Maps, like other things, should be judged solely on how it works for you. If you've used it a bit, and it's made mistakes or given you bad directions, then you have every right to hate on it. Conversely, if you're like me, and you've used it a lot since last week and have had nothing but a very

You needed a computer. The price was just what you could pay; for a damaged floor model. Stop acting like some sort of victim that was forced to do something dreadful. Nobody coerced you into buying the computer. Andrew McG's behavior is completely legit and acceptable when buying expensive electronics, and the fact

No one "gave you" a scratched notebook. You chose to buy it. You knew the screen was scratched when you handed over your money. It was YOUR CHOICE.

Of course I've used a BB. And many of my friends did for years. Back in '04 - '06, they were super awesome. But for a few years now, they've just sucked royally. RIM should just die already...

It's been like this for a couple years now, and you're the first person I've ever read about being unaware of it...

Um... This story definitely is tagged "jailbreaking". You blind? :)

What's this "Blackberry" device of which you speak? Sounds archaic...