
Grats on the car. They didn’t do any of these with manual, right?

Worth noting that pre-purchase inspections don’t always keep you safe. I got one on my car and they missed a lot of stuff that immediately cost me quite a bit out of pocket.

Not silly at all. Makes perfect sense. You say below she’s not a Jalop but it sure sounds like she is from this :)

Why not get another Fit?

That poor V50! And Jetta Wagon! STOP THE WAGON ON WAGON VIOLENCE!

Looks great to me. Nothing wrong with retro futurism.

CX-9. But they’ll end up with the highlander for some reason.

Electric cars work fairly well in traffic as they aren’t running their motors hard, and are constantly regenerating energy by braking. They also work fairly well in conditions in which ICEs would be the most efficient: cruising along at ~45MPH on an empty highway. They don’t do great at higher speeds, same as ICE

The Highlander has ventilated seats which is awesome. With Lexus switches....from 10 years ago. Less awesome. Drove like a box truck. Hateful car.

The new Mustang is 188 inches long, or almost the exact same length as a Camaro. And almost double the length of a Ford Fiesta, in case your were wondering.

You can potentially use either of those things and have it be fair use, depending on how you use them. For example: I could have a scene in a movie where a character steals the prop batmobile (or oscar meyer weinermobile) and leads police on a chase. That would be fine. The the appearance of the thing itself isn’t

The main thing at issue is the fourth factor of fair use. Nothing about using the Humvee in the game has any affect on the copyright holder’s ability to exploit their original work. You can show a character in a movie drinking a Coke. You’re not selling a competing beverage using that copyright. You’re making a film.

It’s fair use.

It’s not hard to coil a cable. Over/under method ftw.

This story is making me feel better about taking my Volvo to the shop for what should be a relatively simple job (replacing front strut mount and strut bearing.) It has to be aligned after anyway and I just spent a fair chunk of my past weekend under the rear of the car fixing some stuff with the rear suspension that

Fuck turning cross traffic that cuts through that lane though. Go wider.

It probably doesn’t help that Jalopnik has published an article telling people NOT to Zipper Merge that regularly gets reposted on social media. Ugh.

You can drive it just take it easy until it comes up to temperature.