I know, right?
Why not let a group of carnies to move into your home while you’re at work, or just preoccupied taking a dump in the spare bathroom? Hey, I’m only wearing one pair of pants right now. I’ve got 3 others that could be earning their keep! My dogs just sleep all day. Why pay for a walker, when the walker could be paying…
I’m all for the idea — just not *my* car. Not that I have anything amazing or spectacular (2001 Infiniti) but I’m already breaking into a cold sweat thinking about the idea... Every few weeks if Murphette drives the car, I have to take a few minutes and move the mirrors and seat. I would not enjoy having to do that…
Obviously the Communist Chinese have some differing ideological views about personal property ownership. And while those views may be enthusiastically shared by a good segment of American urban hipster bloggers, they are not, in fact, shared by a good segment of actual American consumers. This aspect of the Lynk & Co.…
Zipcar? What about the entire rental car industry?
Lync & co will need to provide their own (lowcost) insurance plans for people to buy into it.
Exactly. This is how taxis work. Everyone timeshares the same car, it gets overused and trashed, and gets equivalent extra cleaning and maintainence.
This has always been the thing that I don’t understand. I guess that something like ZipCar is the biggest analog to how this works, but I’m sure that you will be paying someone for an insurance policy to cover whatever crazy shit people do with my car.
Other thing I don’t understand is the insurance and warranty implications.
Seems like a feature with a very specific audience in mind, and not necessarily the average car buyer.
I’ve got a kid and kids get sick or injured at school or at their various events and it would suck to get that call, go to the parking lot and discover that my car had been shared and I had no easy way to get home.
Insurance companies will nix this plan not to mention the financing companies.
Would only take one person puking in my car to ruin it forever.
I would do this with a car dedicated for sharing. I would not do this with my personal vehicle.
So what happens when someone runs drugs or robs a bank and the car is seized? Tough shizzle?
Yes, with my ‘98 4Runner. Absolutely not with my wife’s new Limited Ford Explorer.
Wait, so the money is paid to NFL.com and not the members of your league that you’re trying to cheat?
Could be innocent enough. The NFL has long considered actual players interchangeable.