
You obviously don’t have much experience in labor & delivery.

Why don’t they give it a proper large tank for overlanding and avoiding gas stations/plebes.

After it’s done, don’t rub it in.

An email can be a contract depending on the specific language and the laws of your state. Now whether or not you’re going to spend money suing a dealership is another thing.

You should carefully read the terms of your loan or note to make that determination.

Totes get that, but watching the video doesn’t make me think “zOMG people were in danger!” Not at all.

I have had airplane shadows pass over me, I don’t file an FAA complaint about it.

I totally understand, and understand the need for a substantially higher margin of safety here, but it still doesn’t seem like it was that close or that dangerous.

I don’t know, doesn’t look that close.

Military rebates also suck because so many shitty dealers advertise a price including all possible rebates which is a lie since most people didn’t serve in the military.

200 and Dart are very low margin to begin with, and with all the discounts to actually move them, FCA very likely doesn’t have $500 worth of space in there.

Sounds like solicitation of treason.

Even Ford knows that the Lincoln is always too ugly for people to actually buy.

This is probably the best strategy for them since they can’t seem to grasp that market share.

Honestly I probably would have preferred the enclosed F150 look.

THANK YOU SO MUCH been needing to find this.

And this is on Jalopnik because....

Nah I’ll thank the Jews for the sabbath and Catholics for continuing the tradition on Sunday too.

+1 most buyers don’t want aftermarket

You could do thaaaat.