
Cue the crocodile tears from people who had no plans to buy either car anyway.

The past 5 years have wrecked my empathy mechanism. There are too many people anyway. If people want to volunteer to go to the upper room via stupid decisions, fucking let them. Driving drunk, driving fast without a seatbelt.... it doesn’t get much stupider than that

100% of that increase comes from the fact that we literally drive twice as much. But I get your point

Easy. Some people worship money, power and status above all else. All the details and justifications after the fact are just bullshit. 

Are they gonna try and bundle this in with the child marriage law

Will we ever move on from these boring erroneous “opinionated internet car guy bingo” hot takes...........

Bro I wasn’t trying to be a dick, just ribbing you a little bit. You gotta admit that’s a pretty rare combo, which made the “I’m not picky” funny. Anyway sorry if that came off dickish, I didn’t mean it to.

A Safari build with a Martini livery.......... how effing cliche can things get? I hope this thing kills this trend off, but I know whatever comes next will be even more trite and contrived

Bro a manual unibody 2 seater convertible with a pickup bed is about as picky as it gets lmao. Does it need to be brown and diesel too?

How is the opinion of some random dude on the internet a more accurate measure of value than actual transaction prices?

What people pay for things, especially in a completely free market like BaT, is literally the absolute assessment of value. If someone pays what someone else asks, then the price makes sense. What we think is irrelevant.

I can get personally not wanting a $110K DC2, but it seems kind of stupid to not understand why this DC2 is worth six figures to somebody. If you just want the driving experience you could literally buy a junk non Type R DC2, reinforce the shell and swap in all the requisite parts for a fraction of this. But obviously

If this were an 09+ 535i, yes, great deal. From what I’ve read any Bimmer with any N6x V8 is basically not worth buying. The N55 6 banger makes about as much power and is lighter + more efficient + more reliable. I actually drove an E60 535i with the sport package and the automatic and it was really nice.

I think we have come to a point in humanity where people WANT to be disappointed.

$30K is a pittance for viral, un-monetizable content that people will forget about in 3-4 days

Bro he got his views. And will get more views as more outlets report on it. In 2021 going into 2022 literally nothing else matters.

If it’s not 1 to 1 you just killed your own point.........

Yes.... this powertrain also doesn’t deliver on its promises as the TLX Type-S shows. I feel like there are better options for the money. I say this as a current Acura owner

You’re missing out. Right now our family ride is a minivan. I would love something with the same practicality and more balls. Sedans are fine for driving alone but kind of cramped with the kiddos. A crossover is way more comfortable and as ones like this show can still be fun.

We have no idea who is getting 84 month loans because they cant afford shorter ones, nor do I even think we can come to a consensus on what being able to “afford” a loan is. Some people think having to take any loan whatsoever to buy a car means you can’t afford it. Some people bump the limits of what banks will lend.