Lot of things about Kobe are myth, like how clutch he his, his killer instinct, and how he mentors young players.
Lot of things about Kobe are myth, like how clutch he his, his killer instinct, and how he mentors young players.
Snoop Dogg on:
Not to mention his fantastic morning Fuck You to Notre Dame, easily the most hate-able institute in America.
I didn't think I'd say this, but having seen that he's come to this, I kinda feel bad for David Moyes.
However, subscriptions to Man/Ewe are still going strong in Scotland.
I have to admit I was one of his disappointed fans. I followed @TotallyManu but didn't see any tweets about thinning hairlines or bulbous noses anywhere.
"Actually, kids, he said something about fava beans and chiante. I'm not sure what he meant, but one of the assistant coaches has been missing for days."
Or the name of a Star Wars Expanded Universe villain
You can double the worth of almost each of those by attaching EA Sports before or after them.
I thought the world's most beautiful game was Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?
Head architect Grigory Potemkin has some really beautiful plans for it, though.
It seems fitting that this was the team that prescription pill/boy sex tours aficionado Rush Limbaugh wanted a part in buying.
I want a reality show called "Bill Bidwill Eats Every Single Dick" following Bill Bidwill's travels around the world in a dick-eating quest.
2 minutes for ruffing.
nope... more likely 420 days
At least the S&M festival probably delivered to its' audience. Raiders game, not so much.
I once took the BART train the same day there was a Raiders game and a gay S&M festival. Everyone was wearing spikes, chains, and black leather. I didn't know who was going to what.
Schuab looks like he's coming to let you know he did 6 months in Chino for exposing himself to an 8 year-old.