
on the Bayern-Nazi part: you couldnt be more wrong!

The last fine Jimmy Haslam paid was $92 million, so I don't think he'll be sweating this one.

The suspension will hurt the Browns harder than one might suspect. The coaches won't have that strategic advantage provided by all the poop emojis Ray Farmer sends.

safe assumption

That's OK, the English teams forgot the Champions League too.

You managed to mix "conspiracy in favor of Barca" and "refs against Real Madrid" into one post.

They forgot the English teams.

When Zlatan got sent off against the blue babies, my first thought—I swear—was "somehow, this will help Barca."

It could be worse, Philly fans.

To me, this is a League that has no interest in growing in any way beyond geographically. They have no desire to increase the product on the field and are light years behind any other league in the world including the Australian league, which used to be a punchline in its own right.

Johnson: Would you like to see Sunderland?

I hate those fake sites. I always look like the jerk on Facebook when I bust the bubble and tell people that their post is fake.

I usually never think too much about "mouth feel" but Heady Topper really dances down my tongue in a very agreeable way. It makes it an extremely drinkable beer for 8% abv.

Searching... nope

I am a Rangers season ticket holder. Reading this only further validates my decision to not spend any money at MSG during the games. If Obama was truly a socialist, there would be a special cage at Gitmo for Fredo Dolan.

You mean Dolan has been sober this whole time?

I doubt the rest of the English-speaking world recognizes the New York definition of "Respectfully."

They don't want to sell him. What they want is for him to keep signing contracts and stay for the next ten years and become a club legend.

Let the record show I'm no bandwagon hater; I've hated them since Woodson popped Brady!