
Void, a North Florida culture and lifestyle publication

Austin Collie used to give similar interviews to the beat writers in Indianapolis, except his stock answer was, "Who am I? Why are you asking me these questions?"

fucking great. Rutgers is typical D1 wannabe school which instead of being one of the 15 or so programs that actually makes money, is one which has to hit up students for fees, and of course NJ taxpayers as it hemorrhages money. We have a 9% income tax and property taxes exactly double the national average. Thanks

I think Buff Bagwell was also a stripper before WCW. At least I hope so, or I don't know who I gave $60 in the VIP lounge that night...

Vodka Samm is growing up so fast.

The first time he hits the DL (won't take long) every idiot within 100 miles of Yankee Stadium will go on lamenting the loss of Jeter and his determination and heart. It will get louder as the the DL trips mount, and mount, and mount.

It makes so much more sense, and creates so much more sexual tension, if you read these comments from the bottom to the top. Or as I call it, 'ass to mouth'.

FIFA: For when you want to feel better about the NFL.

But they have a whole month dedicated to breast cancer awareness! They give 5% of the profits to Susan Komen! You bet the NFL cares about women('s money)!

This is great, and terrifying.

I'm sorry, that's the worst sentence I've ever typed.

I hope more players do this. The NBA's age-restriction rule (which they're trying to up to two years / age 20) is absurd. It has nothing to do with wanting players to be "ready" and everything to do with the NBA wanting to get two years of free marketing as the guys build up their names in the NCAA.

Tony Dungy's Deal With It!™ Draft Checklist
Prospect: Michael Sam

He just wouldn't want the media distractions

Not because I don't believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn't want to deal with all of it.

That's a black man in the US saying that Sam shouldn't have a chance because it wouldn't be smooth.

I have a feeling you went on a colossal social justice rant and I'm sad you edited it out.