I know society has a racism issue, but mental illness also a big problem. Please don't get angry at Chip Kelly for perceived racism, feel sorry for his vastly delusional moves this offseason.
I know society has a racism issue, but mental illness also a big problem. Please don't get angry at Chip Kelly for perceived racism, feel sorry for his vastly delusional moves this offseason.
Slitting a goat's neck and using its blood as a ritual to bring Satan to Earth, however, is the best goal celebration ever.
Thanks to Archer I know that this would have been perfectly legal in Germany, the Alabama of Europe.
That's our Beer Idiot!
I knew a kid in high school who named his dog "Lotus." If you don't get the reference, it was a black dog.
Asking if Heady Topper is the best beer in the world is a stupid question. It's hard to quantify what gives a beer that title.
Sierra Nevada Torpedo is a very good, cheap, and easy-to-find heavier IPA (it's an "extra IPA" and not actually a "double IPA" but close enough in my book). How does Rebel Rouser compare to that?
The hard part is not finding a replacement who's funny, it's finding someone who has a keen eye for comedic talent. Jon Stewart has that in spades, as the careers of Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, John Oliver, and others can attest. If you ask me, that was his best quality.
When it comes to electoral politics, Minnesota is more enlightened than much of America (Michele Bachmann notwithstanding). Franken's campaign wouldn't have gotten off the ground in New York.
If he does this (IMO he shouldn't and won't), he'd better not take advice from his former roommate-turned-congressman-turned-political Brett Favre.
I am not a Knicks fan exactly because of James Dolan. At least with the Rangers, he lets Glen Sather run the team.
He really means to say "go fuck yourself" but he's not gonna put that in a letter
At least he apologized. Macklemore tweeted this over five years ago and I haven't heard anything.
Well, based on what happened in the derby today, you must be feeling pretty good about yourself.
1. Were those tweets really necessary? You could have said it better in your own words.
Aw man, I was gonna post a link to that article in the comments section of your latest cookie-cutter "GOODELL BAD" piece as an example of a Goodell piece that's an entertaining read.
spoken like a true Boston-Irish racist sack of shit. bring back "Irish Need Not Apply"
Seahawks only had one player busted for PED use in the past 2 years. He now plays for the Patriots.