I think this is a terrible drink, and not because I think it's a "bitch drink" (that's a stupid name for a drink). I think that because I hate getting drunk off sugary drinks.
I think this is a terrible drink, and not because I think it's a "bitch drink" (that's a stupid name for a drink). I think that because I hate getting drunk off sugary drinks.
So have Hollywood celebrities been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat 2 because a shitton of them are naming their kids "Jax."
Pseudoscience is a kind of science
What an idiot. Belichick's presser is obviously more comparable to phrenology. His head shape clearly infers that he is of inferior intellect- that's why he wears that hoodie everywhere.
I now have an image in my head of an Old West-style duel between Joe Arpaio and Shaq. Thank you.
You forgot "continually electing a sheriff who would be called a war criminal if any other country elected him"
Yoshi looks kinda limp-wristed (in the literal sense, not the "he's gay" sense (although my eighth-grade Yoshi's Story side would have meant it that way (fuck Yoshi's Story)))
Based on this review, it looks like worse than any of the Austin Powers movies even though the premises are sorta similar.
You're disgusting. Go back to the sewer that spawned you.
The worst part about this post is that it's a prevalent enough line of thinking to have been given significant air time on ESPN as the scandal happened- never mind that it's the single most disgusting take that a human being could have come up with. Anything to protect "the golden boy," as PTI calls Brady (usually…
If you believe the publicist he broke up with her BEFORE learning she was pregnant. Needless to say, I don't think highly of publicists and PR as career choices,
Dude, don't even joke about that.
I'm pretty sure that St. Bernardus Abt. 12 is made the exact same way as Westy 12. The only difference is that Westy is a Trappist brewery, and there's a pretty strict criteria to being Trappist. So if you've had this, you've more or less had Westy 12.
Why don't you write your usual good articles about soccer and stop letting outrage poison Screamer.
You say "most obnoxious," I say "absolute worst"
The run-up to the Super Bowl is no time to take the foot off the outrage pedal.
I hope Boston gets the Olympics. That way their stuck-up asshole fanbase has to back up their bullshit about being the best sports city.
When I was in Costa Rica, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a sign for Cerveza Imperial. It's just as ubiquitous there as the term "Pura Vida," which is kind of like the country's official motto. Apparently it's just another foreign adjunct lager- one of the big beer conglomerates owns it.
Different regime.
Bovine University