
I'll drink my Southern Tier Pumpking with my pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving and you will not dissuade me.

It doesn't. Shouting "PLAYER SAFETY" really loudly is like invoking the threat of terrorism- it doesn't actually help the cause, but it does allow you to pass all the insane unrelated bullshit that you could possibly want. Not being allowed to touch the jersey of a receiver at all has nothing to do with player safety

If you chug beers at any point after college, you need an intervention.

Man that was fucking nasty. But not as nasty as the beatdown the Caps performed on Schneider. :(

I think Victory Prima Pils would argue with your declaration about Scrimshaw.

Now playing

[Cool Colt] was clearly developed to be paired with menthol cigarettes.

Here's my counter-argument, Kyle:

But enough about the author.

Here is my message to every single person involved in this, whether you are pro-Gamergate or anti-Gamergate:

Come to think of it, a lot of imported premium lagers come in green bottles- Tsingtao and Peroni come to mind. Perhaps Heineken set the standard?

Less commercials!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's a good one

You took the words right out of my mouth. I haven't followed the NBA closely since the 1998 lockout, and every time I think I want to try again, shit like this happens.

To expand upon this...

The injury was still less horrific than the offensive line that Jerry Reese refuses to fix.

Basketball is arguably the most advertising-friendly sport in the world- watching the last two minutes of any game will tell you that much. There is absolutely no reason to do this other than extreme greed on behalf of the owners. At least it makes sense in soccer, where there are no commercial interruptions during

Don't forget, cans preserve beer better than any bottle.

Good to know that Masshole bandwagoning has gone international.

Your formerly funny and worthwhile website can shit out as many dry, humorless, and unreadable articles about the Redskins to your heart's content, but you're forgetting one vital point about this debate:

Good thing God loves the American Taliban, because nobody else does.

The New York Daily News dedicated the back page (the cover of the sports section) to the hazing incident. You know you've done something fucked up when the Daily News takes a break from the usual Rex Ryan attacks.