
There are 6 Welsh clubs that play in the English Football Association, so even if Catalonia does secede, it's not like this would be a totally unprecedented thing.

If you like it when sports teams suddenly get crushed by karma after years of making other fans suffer, baseball is not the sport for you.

Well I found it funny, even though I would kinda like a serious look at the season.

This is going to be a bloodbath, and I will be behind the players 100% for as long as it takes. You don't piss off your big stars.

Having kids changes a man, and not necessarily for the better.

Yo Gabba Gabba for halftime? Your kids are ruining you, Drew!

I don't drink Rogue, but not for "their beer sucks" reasons.

I know you just did a Victory beer, but at some point you're going to review Prima Pils, yes?

Wait til next year.

I am not really that big of a hop lover, to be honest. Session IPAs are pretty bad overall, and if I want a high ABV beer, I'd really rather have a stout. If it's in the 6%-7% range, I'll try one.

When you said they, I thought you were referring to Reddit. They actually made me like bacon a little less.

Ah dammit, I didn't even know about this last night. Woulda loved to have seen Wysh, but I'll settle for the Lambert column we're getting soon (if he's telling the truth. Just kidding, he always tells the truth).

CARDINALS FANS: from here on out, the next time I or anyone else point out the overwhelming whiteness of your fans and you try to rebutt, I will link to this article every single time.

I was fully expecting at least one incest comment. +1 for not disappointing.

Now playing

I agree, here's to the state of Mississippi!

It's too easy to make Lane Kiffin the scapegoat for this, even though his career trajectory is very similar to that of your average large-corporation CEO- he gets paid big bucks at different institutions time after time in spite of the fact that he's done nothing to merit such a luxury.

Is there a reason why Mizzou is in the SEC East while Bama and Auburn are in the SEC West? I mean, besides the fact that SEC can also stand for "Stupid Education Conference?"

Well, now there's no doubt in my mind that the Cardinals will win the whole thing. They're like the Red Sox in that when they complete a miraculous comeback, there's no stopping them.

This appeared on my Facebook timeline, five minutes after reading this article. LIKE FUCKING CLOCKWORK.

The Vikings made Eddie Lacy look like a fantasy god. There truly is no hope for them.