I immigrated from Canada to the US in 2007, and it was a pretty drastic shock. Mostly because of how complicated and obtuse the insurance thing can be, but I also remember going to the hospital after my husband's grandfather was admitted (he passed out after receiving chemotherapy and hit his head) and being so

Eva Green is the best femme fatale we have right now, I utterly love her.

Look—IMO, we should just be happy they got John Wesley Shipp to be in this. He could be the Goddamn whatever (e.g. janitor, mayor, Batman) for all I care, as long as he gets lines and we get to geek out to our childhood one more time. :)

Daredevil is fighting crime in modern Hell's Kitchen? So, what's he do, stop drunk party kids and tourists from puking on the sidewalk?

Wrong. Piketty has responded to this article here:

Just amazing how so few series end with such a perfect final shot: No grand battle, no sentimental good-byes or major deaths or such. Just the crew playing poker with Picard finally joining them, this unique bond of friendship showcased full-scale and the camradarie that made the show work so well. No bang, no

It takes like...despair?

Now you just made me sad by using that picture. I really enjoyed that show. :-(

Well. Now I require another Hellboy movie.

If we feel that character's soul and we know him and we love him, we see his plight and see why he is such an angry little guy, then the movie will work.

I have come here to chew bubblegum and shoot this pew-pew gun, and I'm all outta bubblegum.

Congrats Bill.

Do we, though? Nothing seems to be changing, so I'd argue we don't.

It's pretty much what they did to Family Guy the first time as well. Air the show on thursday, except when they didn't, put something else in the timeslot whenever a hat drops anywhere...

I'm pretty sure this is how republicans see him all the time.

Gotta say the Screen Writers strike is what made Heroes horrible, up until that point you could see that they had a clear definitive path that they were following...once the strike hit....the entire show took a dump and never recovered.