I feel for you. I stopped it at 37:55 and grabbed the link (…) because that right there sums up everything about my experience with climate change and my family. I've been arguing with my dad over the function of climate change for years, and I think he's finally rolling around to it, but

Will I miss Being Human?....

LOL. You have excellent taste in cancelled TV series.

Odds that AoS doesn't get renewed?

How in the world does's choice of romantic partners have a single goddamn thing to do with a smartwatch? If Gizmodo were a celeb gossip blog, maybe, maybe I could see merit in bringing up's sexuality. But to bring it up here, apropos of absolutely nothing whatsoever, just sounds like moronic

They do realize that Blade Runner is NOT a future to aspire to, right? I don't believe in a sentient sapient life form - whether synthetic or organic or even a hybrid - EVER being property or purpose built for a position. If its built by humans or made from our genome they are our children if they can attain the

Dog Are People Too:

Can we make a car out of whatever that ball is made out of? Or make EVERYTHING out of this otherworldly and indestructible material?!

The uber-rational part of my brain was about to go on about building reflexes and spatial cognition, but it got beat up behind the house by the part that just saw a kid having fun.

That was my first "grownup" SF novel

I absolutely produce more mucus when I drink milk. Also when I have something acidic. I think this study was flawed, in that the extra mucus drains down the throat. I don't blow it out my nose.

I don't know why, but Louis Gosset Jr. to me will always be:


Isn't that the location that was proposed as a possible site for a manned base?

I'm amazed by how convex that looks. I thought it was a conical hill.

I like Community as much or more than the next guy, but: