Tell us how you REALLY geel, Albert.

I work in TV operations. The sheer number of technological upgrades here is insane. When I started some 20-odd years ago, we were just transitioning from 1” tape to beta tapes and a full crew was 4-7 people. Now, everything is digital (almost no media at all, just hard drives) and automation has cut employment in

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you?” Jedi Master Pluto.

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you?” Jedi Master Pluto.

This makes me so happy that I’m about to explode. Weirdness is my cocaine.

I still think that going to Mars is the wrong decision. We need a permanent presence on the Moon before we even think about it. It’s far better to learn how to live in a hostile environment that only three days away than one that is 18 MONTHS away.

I’m holding onto the possibility that Ahsoka will survive and appear as an old lady in one of the new movies. A thread tying everything together.

No, because it’s not an insult to vast majority of American citizens, while that’s exactly what the Confederate flag is. PS, you’re sounding an awful lot like one of those people who love the South, but hate America.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter that supporters have a differnet view of the flag, no matter how sincerely they may hold that view.

I love you guys, but you’re awfully judgemental. I know, it’s your job and all, but all the negative reviews around here makes it hard to take any of it seriously. Cynicism, AWAY!!!!

Heinlein may have been an old curmugeon, but he did wonders for this impressionable kid.

It’s folk like you that made the aliens quarantine the solar system. :)

As it should be.

And Robert Heinlein. If they are going to include Clarke, they should include the rest of the Big Three. Of course, all three have already had reams of scholarly papers and books written about them, but still.

It’s the dark area in the southern hemisphere.

I can pretty much guarantee that the trucks will be required, by law, to have “minders” aboard. So, truck stops will still need human services as well as high-tech maintenance functions. That means MORE jobs, not fewer.

They simply don’t have a unifying vision. They don’t have a Whedon-
Feige equivalent.

I totally blame Ayn Rand. She ruins everything.

I powerfully disagree with your headline, though not the premise of the article. Dogs do NOT "exploit" that bond. We created them in such a way as to invite them into it. The headline infers that dogs somehow intentionally use the bond. Untrue.