Doesn’t even have to be old! We don’t know how Togruta age.

Yeah, my boss didn’t buy that line either. Dammit.

Man, i’m with you on that. Maybe the writers have been hearing all the same criticism since (before) Heroes ended. Maybe they’ve learned their lessons. Maybe this will be awesome.

Rob is in charge of negative reviews. All the other TV and movie writers give unreasonably gushing reveiws of everything else.

Maybe he can finally fly his biplane cropduster into the attack ship, just like in the original cut of the first movie!

My grandfather picked up Time Enough for Love because he thought it would be trashy, Literary Guild stuff. He gave it to me, so I have the original hardback.

No disrespect to the other authors, but why isn’t Isaac Asimov not among those featured or listed among those to be in the near future?

Im not upset with this as long as they dont change the fact that Jack Burton is a idiot and Wang is really the hero of the movie.

None of you warmongers will be satisfied until the world’s in ashes will you?

What better way to celebrate not winning an Oscar than with a massive pile of money? XD

The best part about Asimov’s Foundation is that it exists in a universe where humans have the technology to travel through the galaxy but they do not have the technology to do so with anything close to modern computers. I love the notion of them doing the hyperjump calculations long-hand (taking days to make sure all

Well... atleast we got this awesome wallpaper out of Ghost.

Who else really keeps hoping that M. Night Shymalan will ~*magically*~ come out with a decent movie again, despite his weird track record? /raises hand

Wish I knew what happened after the flood...

This show was slow to start, and a not great timeslot, which ultimately doomed it, but luckily due to the writers strike NBC ran all 13 episodes. It did take a little getting used to Kevin McKidds American accent (which he seems to have picked up by trying to do his best Ray Romano impression) but by the end this

Don't even get me started

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Star Trek: Enterprise was on track to become possibly the best of the Star Trek series. This link is to a clip from two of their final episodes, In a Mirror, Darkly. It truly angers me that some a$$ of a network exec allowed the series to be cancelled at the end of the 4th season, when the show was going from good to