Probably because they weren’t looking in the first place
Probably because they weren’t looking in the first place
MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.
i paid hundreds of dollars for this stuff that gave me some small amount of pleasure. now i’m burning it. a loved one will pay to replace it for me at christmas when my team is doing well. take that, nfl! i sure showed you! (also, i watch the games, anyway.)
Oh this is mine. Both the Bing Bong thing and when Riley returns home after running away. I don’t even have kids and that tears me apart.
I cried during Inside Out.
oh noes an athlete had a normal human reaction to a heartbreaking loss
I think the biggest problem with Macklemore’s sudden rise was that his music was ever considered rap. Sure he raps, but so did Blondie. Thrift Shop and Can’t Hold Us and Same Love were popular in a pop context, in which they are good songs, not in a rap context, in which they are not good. He should have won a bunch…
Amazing that the NFL has such detailed rules for the shit its players can wear on the field, to the point that players can’t have simple, minor tributes to dead relatives without getting fined, but something that actually affects gameplay is just “Eh, we’ll let the billion dollar franchise figure it out on their own…
I’m a hunter, and I know I always feel the proudest when I use bait to lure an animal that I have no intention of eating and that has become acclimated to being in the presence of people (which removes any sport in it) nominally outside a protected area for the sole purpose of counteracting the shame of my shockingly…
I hope the Rog shows some consistency and completely fucks this up.
I know as a white male I shouldn’t weigh in but there feels like more important or useful battles to fight then this one.
not sure if it’s an “egregious snub”. maybe honorable mention.
Your last pun was, what, 6 days ago? This one came just in time. 7 days without a pun makes one weak.
Reggie must have said this 10 times during the game. I kept waiting to see if any of his “puns” would eventually meet the criteria of actually being puns.
Right?!? It’s even more ridiculous to discount home runs but not runs scored. They’re kinda inextricably linked, y’know? Which is where the moralists’ argument really starts to fall apart: voiding the HR voids the run, which voids the score, which voids the win-loss record, which voids the playoffs, which voids the…
I'd suggest we burn him, but it seems like he's already constantly on fire.