
'87 here and what's happening is a bunch of people on the internet are getting their rocks off bullshitting about how they'd totally be able to identify any semi-famous smoke cloud throughout the ages. Fuck, if you cropped out the twin towers and other such context I probably wouldn't even remember the 9/11 smoke

They say it's an international employee as well, which explains it more. Also, millennials still know about history, but you have to remember as more time goes on and more and more events pile up, things that were a BIG deal at the time often become a blip on the historical radar later, and niche history for people

Thank goodness someone mentioned the syllabus. It's amazing how many students don't take the time to read them, given that they're a contractual agreement between the instructor and the student. I ran a course where group discussion was a central part of the required coursework (it counted for 25% of the final grade),

Weirdly enough, I am most interested in finding out how many of the men opted into the extra credit, and what they feel they learned (or didn't learn) from it.

See, this is the kind of bullshit I am tired of hearing. I know this will fall on your deaf ears, but I cannot let this misconception of contraception stand anymore.

and here we see the troll in its natural habitat. Notice its use of "hashtags"...

The discussion was brought up because the OP equated this situation that involves sex trafficking with Belle Knox. The reason people are having such a discussion is because that person decided to equate the two. People are having a discussion about it that pretty much makes your point, as far as I can see. Thanks!

Thanks for making a distinction between sex work and sex slavery. I work in an office and I am reimbursed for my labour (although I think I could stand to get a bit more reimbursement) that is why I am labeled a worker. Had I been forced to work 9-5 and only been paid 10% of my salary along with all of the mental

I guess because not everyone agrees with Belle Knox? (I assume especially those in charge of enforcing the laws that make it illegal!)

Poor analogy. A better one would be you can enjoy watching the Godfather but think that Al Pacino is a piece of shit for starring in it.

It's incredible to me how many men (and women) watch and enjoy porn, but then turn around and vilify women for working in porn.

She's no fun at parties. She doesn't even drink! She never excuses herself to go to the restroom. She eats terribly messy.

But it helps you avoid people who use "u" instead of "you" in 2014.

Except this is Canadian college hockey and it REALLY REALLY isn't!

It's about damned time we just make rape against the law so people know it's wrong!!!!

Don't you see, trying to protect yourself from bad people is WRONG and mutually exclusive from trying to deter and penalize those bad people. You just can't do both.

One day, there was a news story in my town about an 11 year old who was raped. I read the story and I looked at the comments, and there was one from some guy basically saying that young girls need to stop being so seductive and alluring and that they should be circumcised to prevent them from being so sexual. So I,

Completely agree about kids not having a say about what gets posted of them, especially the younger they are. We should be able to share photos of kids with those that love them without being afraid of child predators, but I do think we need to be more cautious as parents (all parents) to think about the fact that a

I'm going to go sunbathe topless in my backyard right now to celebrate your comment. I also think you're spot-on about the difference of the internet. I'm mostly squicked-out by people not having any semblance of control over their bodies or images. Even though teen sexting is actually sexually, at least at some point

I just finished reading Melissa Harris-Perry's Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America, I highly recommend it if you're interested in this topic. I'm a white American, but even I knew "articulate" is a seriously racialized, backhanded compliment.