
I think if your comment (and several others) had been part of the article, then the comments section would be a friendlier and more enlightened place. As a never-been-married 20-something, I left the article with a...huh., be supportive to your friends when they break-up with their SO? Who in the ever loving

Oh grow up, every one who doesn't agree with you isn't automatically a troll. We aren't in kindergarten.

It is reductive, but it is also an unfortunate trend I've been observing more and more often on Jez. As soon as a commenter is confirmed male, the word "mansplaining" always manages to creep in, regardless of their position – I mean, you made it abundantly clear that you believe the victim and are an ally, and even

You...are a very patient person. Unfortunately, you have an opinion, and are a man, which can get you in trouble around here.

Oh for Christ's sake, are you listening to yourself??? He's being gross, obtuse and a mansplainer because he (as a member of the same profession) is questioning the fact that another journalist presented a conversation to the readership as a word for word transcription (i.e. using quotes) which, unless it was

...can you at least pretend you read his comment instead of jumping straight to "MANSPLAINER!!"? This guy is an ally, and I'm getting pretty tired of Jezzies yelling at men who ACTUALLY AGREE WITH US. There are people out there who legitimately don't get it, yell in their general direction.

Seconded. And I don't think that the greys are helping, since some people seem to assume that means you aren't a long time/regular poster round these parts. And I could definitely do without the cliqueyness (sp?) myself – this is one of the only spots in the internet where the comments section isn't always immediately

Hasn't he already for all intents and purposes been gone for a while now? I mean, he's going through intensive chemotherapy and he officially dropped out of the mayoral race ages ago. And re: family drug dealing, even I've heard those rumours and I live in Europe now...clearly they haven't spent enough money.

This was actually the only thing that struck me as odd that she is only coming forward now. In my experience she has zero filter, and I'm totally surprised she hasn't very publicly accused him before this (I guess the book was an attempt at this).

Well, in his defense I'm not a noob and it still drives me nuts, mostly because I like to pretend we are all adults around here. And WHAT HAS PUNCTUATION EVER DONE TO YOU.

Seconded. It really has only served in large part to change the focus of who is being body-shamed, thereby solving nothing (or solving one problem while creating another). I had a roommate in college who was 6'2" and a naturally very slim frame – so basically, she looked like your typical runway model. She was

No, people get offended because "real women" is a logical fallacy, since there is no such thing as "real" and "fake" when it comes to gender. If a model identifies as a woman, she is a woman. This is not rocket science.

Wow, this is...this is by far the worst analogy I've ever read (and I used to TA first year undergrad classes). If I understand you correctly, you're comparing color-blind racism to how women's bodies are categorized in the fashion industry? I mean, she's not even talking about people's bodies in general, just the fash

I've also noticed Estee Lauder popping up on lists of skincare "holy grails" among the younger set (especially their advanced night repair serum).

I've only heard about these allegations in recent years (maybe just in the last year?), so I'm curious about how big this story blew up in the media, or if it was somewhat downplayed? I'm Canadian and moved to Europe almost 6 years ago, so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm still surprised, though, since

I think the general feeling is that in Bill Cosby's case there was a mishandling of justice surrounding the early rape accusations (TBH I don't know much about it – have never followed his career, mostly because his bippity-zappity-whatever Jell-O ads creeped me out as a child). On a whole, though, I agree with your

I'm kind of feeling the same way. Guilty or innocent, there's really nothing he can say at this point that would make anyone happy except for a confession.

I'm surprised he would even put himself in the position to be asked these questions so publically right now, but I'm assuming the absolute radio silence was probably at the advice of the very expensive lawyer he likely has on retainer. Although, you would still think he would have used this platform to spin the story

Oh, absolutely!

Haha, this is brilliant. I've already notified my boyfriend that he's officially a "handsome bastard" for wearing a slim fit navy suit to his white tie graduation ceremony. Thanks for sharing!