
I'm sure what you meant was, "fuck misogyny and any institutions which promote it," since some religions are not misogynist and God knows there are a fuck ton of men out there who manage to be atheists and massive dick bags simultaneously.

Writer says: let's have an open honest and frank discussion about divorce.

"Please read my long piece on my divorce. Which is none of your business."

Complete sidetrack, but I just wanted to say it's cool of you to try to actually answer original comments questions instead of just attacking dude for being snoopy and dumb.

What the hell is wrong with being curious? It doesn't necessarily mean judgmental. How are people to learn to understand others if they're not curious about their viewpoints. I think this is a legitimate question.

I graduated high school in 2003, and I was in the age where most of us didn't have cell phones until college (or we borrowed our parents', or something). I mentioned elsewhere but I have siblings who are 10 and 12 years younger than me and the entirety of their social lives are structured COMPLETELY differently than

It seems like it's become common to type like a jackass around here lately. :-/

I'm really fucking tired of grown women typing like that. Not using capital letters or punctuation is not snark. People seem to think it is a perfect substitute for snark and it is not.

Posted this diatribe on FB earlier for this exact reason: Why were Bill Cosby's accusers silent so long? There's no shortage of think-pieces addressing this question, but I'm here to offer my own take.

It's only because she's in the same profession as me. I'm not trying to discredit anyone. But I take those things (plagiarism/fabrication/embellishment, NOT THAT ANY OF THAT WAS PROVEN HERE) very seriously, because they give ammo to people who accuse me of being part of the liberal media conspiracy when I edit high

All I questioned was those two bits of dialogue. Nowhere did I accuse Jackie of lying.

Absolutely I would. And I'd hear her explanation out, and if I was wrong, I'd admit it.

What is the technical term for a group of human platypuses? Is it Burning Man? A Burning Man of platypumans?

Our crack mayor(former now), Rob Ford, is fighting for his life at the moment. He is on chemotherapy for a rare and fast metatastic cancer. Unfortunately the first round of treatment was a failure.

Janice has always been brash and wild, but has never struck me as a liar. If anything, she's too honest for our society.

Between Mama June and Cosby the big celebrity scandals are too fucking real and depressing right now. I want a juicy but lighthearted celebrity scandal! Here are some suggestions:

Or if she kept her own notes, or copies... One of the most dramatic changes in writing in the mass computer age is the loss of how something comes to be in its final form. Drafts, random thoughts, dedicated notes - they are more likely to be lost/erased with no hard copy ever printed or retained. There will be huge,

Yep, their skin makeup and skincare lines are pretty great!

When I was younger I experienced both sides of the spectrum - I was a fat kid from 8 to about 14/15, then lost a hell of a lot of weight (perfect storm of borderline disordered eating and mono) and was skinny (and "boney" looking because I'm a big person so without much fat my skeleton sticks out), then put a lot of