
Well, I don't know about the rest of the world, but I would have been similarly judging a woman for wearing that print (whether shirt, skirt, whatever) in such a public PR capacity. I imagine the rest of the world would have judged her even more harshly.

Agreed. I've seen a lot of commentary (not just on Jez) that has pointed out this was a pointless exercise because it has such an obvious outcome. However, this doesn't account for the number of people who are claiming that this experiment is bullshit and proves nothing other than that the feminists are getting uppity

I agree with your point, I think that wearing the same tie and a shirt of the same color would have hit the point home better. A black suit could be considered a "staple", and I feel like a woman could similarly get away with a single black pencil skirt for a while if she changed out her shirt and accessories daily

Okay, I'm interested. Can you give examples? I've never heard of the appropriation of queer culture before. The only thing I can think of is straight people going to gay bars (that was a really "in" thing in my tiny European city for a few years)/participating in Pride...but maybe that's not what you mean?

I'm pretty sure that no editor laid eyes on that particular sub-heading because, implications of cultural appropriation aside, it makes zero sense (I mean suggesting that someone should appropriate/copy style "fashionably" is a bit redundant). But also, re: bloggers since we're on the subject, I'm already pretty over

I think you're right re: that sub-heading, except I don't know if we can read in (cultural) tone deafness so much as poor grasp of the English language. If you excise the cultural bit, the idea of "appropriating style fashionably" doesn't even make sense. I think it's just a clumsy sub-heading that should by and large

Blergh, no kidding. And considering that this is a marketing image with all the glories of photoshop and lighting, just imagine how raunch-tastic the actual dish will look.

Ooooh, well I guess that kind of makes sense...except for the fact the model is clearly standing on a platform, making everyone else in the picture look short. Plus, what you said re: body shaming. Oh Jez, slow day? I missing something hilariously amazing about this photo, or is Ryan Seacrest just supposed to be a joke in and of himself these days? All I'm getting from this is poorly composed photo and a "white haired-man" Revenge reference...

I completely agree, and I'm really surprised that his isn't taken up in that article (or most comments). I'm fine if the lifting of the ban was so that Amy can refer to her own lady bits as a pussy, because okay, you do you. But in other contexts? I don't see how this is a good thing...

Ya, I'm a little confused about the feminist view on this supposed to be empowering (reclaiming the word! hurray!)...or kind of bullshit because it's using lady parts as an insult? I mean, I'm fine with calling an actual vagina a pussy (call it whatever you like), but as an insult? Not really. Is someone

Did you ever stop to think that these "professional feminist women" chose you by their own agency and not because of "the game". Maybe because (*gasp*)...they actually liked you and wanted to sleep with you, all stupid tricks aside? You and other PUAs seem to give the game so much you really think you are

I think it has to balance with the number of bridesmaids, so it doesn't look all lopsided up at the altar. Also, etiquette seems to dictate that siblings end up being prioritized in the bridal party, which means that if the bride has brothers they end up on the groom's side and vice versa, which can already inflate

I'm not a fan of weddings myself, but I have to ask – where does your deep-seated resentment of weddings come from? I mean, indifference is one thing, but you seem really invested in the cause.

Hmm, interesting article, although her sister Grace seems to just to be talking about Lena outing her to her parents here and doesn't actually reference the book (just Lena's general lack of boundaries – shocker). I'd be interested in an interview (without Lena present) which actually addresses the book, but it sounds

I think that the "my family's turned my back on me" mentality is sometimes used as a justification for choosing an alternative lifestyle or else maybe a coping mechanism. My older brother was a street kid by choice for 3 years, and he basically convinced himself that he was the black sheep, no one wanted him in the

No, but the point is that the book doesn't give much surrounding detail at all. The idea that it's a "strange coincidence" is just as unfounded.

Dude, you don't have to be snarky about it. It wasn't reported in anything I've read and there is a lot of misinformation floating around.

Ahh, someone I completely agree with! I'm surprised (but not so surprised I guess) how people are taking her childhood actions so out of context, especially the amount of suspicion and assumption going on (re: speculation that she was the one who inserted the pebbles in her sister) and blatant inaccuracy (that she was

...I'm also not convinced it was masturbation in the adult/sexualized sense. From the quoted passage I've read (haven't read the actual book), she just writes "I slipped my hand in my underwear to figure some stuff out". I mean, she was only touching/exploring your genitals at that age in any way sexual? She