
I was surprised to hear that this is a thing (I am also in Oz), but it is a good reminder that words can have a very different connotation depending on the context and audience.

As a Black man, I can understand how some Black people feel about the word "articulate" being used to describe us BUT as a gay man interested in trans issues, I think articulate is the appropriate word to use. Laverne really 'breaks it down' in a coherent and accessible way. She is really good at being able to

White people do call each other and themselves articulate, but if we don't grow up or live around Black people we don't know its loaded racial connotation. Its one of those things we have to fuck up first to learn about. Its also one of the things that White people are going to get touchy about, because we really do

I also would like to know what I should say. I interview lots of scholars on camera, and it's usually like pulling teeth to get them to describe things in a clear and engaging way. Last month, when I finally encountered a scholar who gave a wonderful, interesting, easy-to-understand interview, that scholar happened to

I get how seeing a million tweets about violence against women starts to look like there's a problem with male-pattern violence. That's because there's a problem with male-pattern violence. Women are not responsible for other people's interpretations of what they read, or for considering the reputation of General

More "the USA" than "planet earth", I think. This sort of thing is practically unheard of in Europe. In the UK where I'm from, questioning strangers about their religion is, for almost everybody, a bit like quizzing them on their finances or sex life - you'd assume that anyone who did it had Asperger's or something

This is like the only post ever where this would be an appropriate comment.

And yet, you are arguing strenuously against a test of representation based on the fact that you don't like that all it's measuring is representation. The Bechdel test wouldn't be meaningful if there was no discrepancy if it was applied in the opposite manner. If most films didn't include two named men who talked to

Again, you are fundamentally confused about what the test is and what it is measuring, and you are angry at the test for not doing things it was never intended to do.

But it doesn't. Movies don't fail if the women in them talk about men; they only fail if the women in them don't ever talk about anything else (at least not to each other). Kill Bill is listed because it passes the test, because while the female characters do talk about Bill and other men, it's not the only thing

I don't see how. The test sets a ridiculously low bar, and yet the film industry produces a depressing small number of films that pass it.

Did Jezebel just recommend a Woody Allen film to me? And one based on a book by James Franco?

IT'S AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA. This never happens.

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Hi Mark, my name is Frances, I'm the founder of Henna Heals. Thanks so much for the post! Truly honoured to be featured on Jezebel! (As you can imagine I'm a huge fan.) I just wanted to clarify that not all these women are undergoing cancer treatment, the woman at the bottom actually has alopecia. You can watch the

If you look at the original article on Gawker, you'll see she's quoted saying she wasn't using birth control (though was using the rhythm method). I'm not saying her decision was irresponsible - having an abortion is a very responsible decision in many cases! It's really not my place. I'm just saying we can

Sorry? I wasn't aware that apologizing for feminists that made him feel disincluded and like they considered him to blame simply for being male was "sucking up". Excuse me while I put on my self-righteous asshole pants and treat people as the enemy for no other reason than they disagree with me.

I just don't think that's true. "I'm pro-choice but I hope I never have an abortion" seems like a fairly reasonable position for the most pro-choice person imaginable to hold.

Did Gawker forget to mention that means he wasn't using birth control at the time either?

Also a lot of "this is just oversharing! What's the point? I don't want to hear about your gross abortion! Go away and stop expressing yourself; there's not enough room on the internet for things I don't want to see!"

There's extremists on both sides. Like with everything else. I do think men have issues we need to examine. Gendered behaviors slice both ways. I view society not as oppressing one or the other gender-wise. Society oppresses to society's betterment. Society benefited from gendered roles that hurt men and women, and we